Prologue: Feted feathers

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"Breaking from dark pits despair, and breathing in a gulp of air.

You found calming waters cleanse your strife, and solid ground to build your life.

With foundation built your will turned steel, with a burning passion none could steal.

To find the light that shines within, or lose your fight to demon king." - By Davis Dallas, one of the four founders.



Before he could dirty his hands further she must pass judgment.

With that one thought in her mind, May ran desperately through the dense forest. Looming branches blocked what little moonlight was left to her on this fateful night making the near-black forest grounds a treacherous place to run through had it not been for her purple right eye. Her special eye. Able to see the light spectrums on planes beyond normal people, May was able to see the obstacles even in total darkness. Highlighted in a hue of purple May closed her brown left eye and ran for all she was worth using her special sight. She just needed to be on time. For once she needed to-

Off towards the distance smoke rose to the snapping burning wood. Screams of people's suffering echoed in the far distance, May's jaw hung open.

I'm too late. Unable to will her legs any faster May gripped a white-knuckled hand over her katana.

Racing through thick vines and lopsided branches her short black coat waved in the wind, short skirt brisked against her thigh at the sheer speed. Through dense thickets she could soon see specks of individual light through the layers of dimly highlighted trees, they were people. Her purple eye highlighted them much like it did the trees except the light that came from them was an all-encompassing glow like a full-blown silhouette of light. It was thanks to this that they could be seen through the lesser glowing inanimate objects. Trees, rocks, and walls, though seeing through some at other things was possible looking past too many still objects got diminishing returns. Like seeing something through too many layers of slightly foggy glass. She ran past men and women who pushed past another to reach the pitch-black forests. Not having an eye like hers that could see in the pitch-black did not stop them one bit. Even though they were far enough from the flaming building they ran like how a pack of deer would run from a predator's presence.

Off to her right, May saw one man who became impatient with the pace of another older man just ahead of him and tossed him to one side only to run headfirst into a fallen tree at full speed. He hit the thing with so much force, proceeded to somersault over himself, and landed right on his neck with a horrid crack. As he gave a last twitch, the older man simply got up, gave the dead man a befuddled glare before timidly ducking under the tree that killed him and feeling his way deeper into the forest.

May watched it all unfold with a shiver, she noticed that her hand was half outstretched as if to warn them, she almost had spoken up. Thankfully her better senses won over. emotions aside, there was a good reason not to lend a hand out to these people. One proof being their white lab coats. That tipped her off on who they were, what sick and vile experiments they had done under fathers blessing. The other reason was a more personal one that was harder to explain. It did not help that she herself was working out how she knew this but through her right eye (her special eye) both men had glowed a crimson red.

Besides some animals who came up as pure white, only people came out as more than one color in her right eye. Those colors were blue, red, and green. From her understanding, blue ment a good soul, green she was not too sure on yet. But red meant evil. All these runaways were tinted men and women trying to escape from their crimes... it had to have meant that. Specks of red ran every witch and way but to her, it hardly mattered. For there base of operations was set ablaze. Their dark schemes were brought to light in cleansing flames. Part of May felt relieved, for better or worse justice had been served. Another part of her however felt conflicted at who had dropped the guillotine to serve such a sentence.

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