Chapter 13: Front

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Quick heads up: I left a little slice of the map of the world I'm making in the image section this chapter. It shows  where Coubbleston is to Zannidue as well as the Herbenry desert strip that they are crossing to get there currently. There are also some places that will become important very soon too so yeah.

No need to check it but it's there if your interested. 

"Man this heat kills!" Andrew said under parched lips. 

He pulled out a skin bottle and gulps' down its content before putting it back in the hook under his ragged cloak. He looks at the barren desert west land in front of him with a growing boredom. With Natalie busy reading the map and repeatedly whispering something under her breath he only had himself and the near none existent road underneath him as entertainment.

The tar road, once built and used almost over seven hundred years ago. With its countless potholes and deep cracks from caused from the earth's crust moving between made it near useless now. It's only purpose was as a breadcrumb trail for people seeking to go from Coubbleston to Zannidue.

The only other settlement out in the desert strip was far south of Coubbleston. Both use to be far bigger and more hostile towards each other many years ago. Nowadays they silently pass through trades to another, both helping to keep each other afloat. Both beaten down finding a common enemy in the harsh desert climate.

Walking though they see great buildings that were made by the younger people both grand and ambitious in their design, now falling into a ghost town. Natalie having a soft spot for history and the old buildings they leave found her pace slowing as she looks on in awe at the great pillars and elegant structures that stood the test of time.

Andrew felt content seeing some of her older self-surfacing in such fashion.

"Don't tell you took the map to be sure we cross this," Andrew said grinning in wonder.

Natalie just glared back at him unamused which Andrew surged off. This was however until he still notices her staring at him. As if she was trying to pick his brain with her glare alone.

"Is there sand on my face?" he asked with eyes narrowed.

Natalie realizing what she was doing snapped out of it and averted her attention back to the map and continued her low chanting of something he could not make out. Andrew just looked at her in a suspect manner. For this is not the first time he has seen her trying to drill a hole in his head with her eyes either since the incident back at the base Andrew has been getting strange vibes from her.

Natalie sighs to herself. She has been trying to read his mind ever since he got up a week ago but to no avail. It has been working on others like the children, Zac, and random other people but no longer on Andrew and she has been trying to understand why. Suddenly a line she heard Epimetheus said came to mind.

"The power of knight's armor is fascinating. Its will to protect us is our own but it does so in a number of ways not even we have yet discovered. Like a barrier to the mind for example. The stronger ones armor the stronger the seal."

She was beginning to understand now. The energy of knight's armor can form a barrier over her mind-reading powers, thus to even have that level of energy is to be protected from her. Since Andrew is now recovered and back on his feet hearing his thoughts would not work. Unless he is weakened or out of energy will this work again.

It's likely for the best. Although I would not mind seeing what he's thinking, she thought to herself.

Taking a deep breath she had relisted just how parched her throat had become. Reaching out for her waterskin however she stilled her hand suddenly when she remembered that she already drank the last drop just five minutes prior. Worried that Andrew might spot this she stiffens up somewhat and tries to act normal but Andrew already glaring at her saw right through it.

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