Wraith x banglore ( a little against) promblem sloved

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Wraith's pov- I felt like something wasn't right.. I wasn't me.. I grabbed my computer, unlocked it, and started searching.

I searched and searched but still found nothing. I gave up. I was angry. "Wraith?" Bangalore asked I looked up. "Yes?" I asked trying not to sound like I had an attitude. "Wraith listen.." she started off. She sat on the bed with me and held my hand. "Stop trying to found out who you are.. I know who you are.. and if your at least trying like you care.. I will help you."Bangalore saids softly. I look at her before I say anything. "I... I don't need help." I say, moving my hand away from her's.

"Wraith you do ok. I can't fucking sit here and watch you be clueless." Bangalore says. "Anita." I say meanly. "Don't Anita me the fuck." Bangalore looks at me like she means it. I start crying for no reason. Because what if I do need help..? What if I am an actually bitch..? The voices started to bother me.

Bangalore's pov- I notice her having a breakdown which is unlike her. She kept putting her hands on her head. It's the voices. I grab her and pull her tight.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok Renee." I say softly in her ear. "W-why are you being so nice to me..? I thought you hated me.." Wraith looks at me with her eyes filled with tears. I look at her. " I don't hate you... I love you.." I kiss her after I said that. She accepted the kiss. She hugged me tight. We remained like this for a while.

I know this is short as hell.

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