Crypto x Octane first time loving?

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Octane's pov- I just got back home from doing my stunts and showing off with backflips.

When I opened the door and turned on the lights, i saw Crypto. Waiting for me. "Uh why the fuck are you in here with no light?" I ask. He shakes he's head and comes closer to me, closing the door. "So why the hell were you and Wattson flirting?" Crypto asks like he was in charge.

I chuckle. "Now hold on compadre! That's not what happened. She was flirting with me and I didn't give a shit." I say, confidently. He looked at me like he didn't believe me but I didn't know what else he was looking for. So he ether takes what I told him, or don't take shit. I walk to my room. "So your just gonna sit there like you don't give a fuck?" Crypto asked, like he was not in the mood. I looked at him before giving the answer. "I guess." I say, throwing my jacket on the bed.

I walk in the kitchen to make me some coffee. I hear Crypto behind me. "Yes?" I asked, wondering why the hell was he following me. He looked at me and sighed. "I am just gonna leave." Crypto sounded hurt but he grabbed he's jacket and got ready to walk out. "amo tu teléfono está sobre la mesa." I say loud enough so he can hear me. He stops. "I can't understand you 나의 사랑." Crypto looks at me. I sigh. I grab he's phone and give it to him.

"Anything else 그렇다면 빨리 만들어." Crypto demanded. I smile and chuckle. "What?" He looked at me crazy. I know he'd always had a crush on me. "I have a question mi amor." I stare at him. "Yes?" He looked annoyed. "You uh.. been with someone..?" I ask. He shakes he's head no. I chuckle. I grab him by shirt and push him on the couch. "뭐야!? Octane?!" He stares at me. I smile. "Listen compadre... I know you like me cut the act." I say smiling. "How the fuck do you-" I cut him off. "Your best friend, Wraith told me." I say, taking off my mask and my googles. I threw them to the side. I came closer to him as he watched me.

Crypto's pov- I don't know but something told me this is a 'don't look away game.' I accepted whatever the challenge was. He got on me slowly. He started pulling on my shirt and shit. I almost lost my damn mind. He leaned in for a kiss and I accepted it. I kissed he's lips again. I put my hand underneath he's shirt. He slipped he's tongue in the kiss and so did I. We were sort of making out. He kissed me over and over again. And he was going down to my neck but someone interrupted us with a knock. Octane looks up at the door.

"Aww man we were just getting started!" Octane saids "here I come!" He opens the door and it's Bangalore. He lets her in and when she came in, we started talking about a lot of stuff. Me, Octane, and Bangalore talked for hours.


Korean- 뭐야!?- what the fuck

그렇다면 빨리 만들어- if so, making it quick

나의 사랑- my love

Spanish- amo tu teléfono está sobre la mesa-my love your phone is on the table.

Mi Amor- my love

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