Fuse x bloodhound the best time of my life

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Bloodhound's pov- all the legends were down at the bar. Including me. I didn't want to get drunk so I just got a drink or two. I talked with Bangalore and Wraith. I only trusted Fuse, Wraith, Bangalore, and Mirage. I told them everything. But I had a crush on one of them.. you guessed it. Fuse.

I told Wraith, Bangalore and Mirage about me and Fuse. "So how's you and Fuse?" Wraith asked, looking up at me. "Not much.. I really want to tell him my feelings but I have no clue how to." I say, looking at Wraith. "I'd ask Loba or Wattson. They are a god at expressing their feelings to other's." Bangalore says, confidently. I nod.

I continue talking with them but I switch up the conversation. After a while, I invited Wraith.

I walked up to my door. But fuse caught my eye. "Hey mate can I come in? It's important." Fuse said looking at me seriously. I nod and open the door. He comes in my house, closing the door after he comes in.

"So.. I'm guessing the 'roomer's' are true ay?" Fuse asks, Looking at me.  "What roomer's?" I ask, confused. "You liking me." He saids with a chuckle. I stare at him. I take off my mask and put it in my pocket. "What if I did, ástin mín?" I say softly. Fuse came closer to me. "If you did I would ask could you show me..?" Fuse says, smiling. "I will gladly, Walter."

I kissed him and he accepted it. I was gonna go back in for another but a knock scared Fuse. "U-uh mate you invited someone o-over?" He looked embarrassed. I nod smiling I take my mask and put it back on. I open the door and me and wraith talk for a minute or so and then she left. I closed the door and locked it.

I went back to Fuse and took off my mask. "Maybe I'd like another kiss of that lips of yours before you cover it up." Fuse chuckles. I smile and kissed him. We stayed in this position for a couple of seconds.. it felt.. amazing.


ástin mín- my love

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