Octane x Crypto octane has a breakdown.

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Octane's pov- I was minding my business, watching tv. I was mad at Che because, she said something about crypto that made me mad. I was trying to be as kind as I could to her but it was hard. After a while she calls me. I answer.

"Ye-" I couldn't even fucking finish. "I want a break from you Silva. This ain't you!" She says, angrily. "You can have a fucking break from me I don't give a shit." I say confidently.

Crypto must have heard us arguing, because he came In confused. "What is going on?" Crypto asks, looking at me. "Che is starting shit." I say, putting her on speaker.

"No the fuck I am not! I ain't starting shit! I called to tell him I wanted a fucking break! I hate you so damn much! I wish I didn't save you when your dad tried to kill you!" She was breathing heavily. I could tell she was crying. "Hey hey.. Che.. stop please." I heard Bangalore in the background. "FUCK YOU!" Lifeline says hangs up.

My heart dropped. I felt bad but... why did she say that about me.. I put my phone down and put my head in my hands, trying not to cry.

Crypto's pov- "Why do you both keep arguing anyway?" I say feeling bad. I hear octane sniffling. I knew he was crying because he does that when he cries.

"Hey.. why are you crying?" I ask coming closer to him. "I-it's because of me.. Che probably never liked me!" He pulls in and hugs me. I hug him back looking at him. I hate when he cries. It makes me feel bad. "Octane.. it's not always your fault. It's her fault too. She was a part of it so, she can't put the blame on you." I say hugging him tightly. I wipe he's tears away and look at him. "I love you..." I say, smiling. "I-I love you too." Octane pulls me into a kiss.

And then he kisses me again. He's kisses got stronger. He was trying to make out with me so he can get he's mind off Che. I broke the kiss. "Hey! Why did you break the kiss?" He looks at me. "We are leaving to go to Che's house. Let's go." I say, grabbing my jacket.

He gets off the bed and starts to leave. I follow him and we make it to Che's. I knock on the door.

After a couple seconds, Lifeline opens the door.

"Hey.. I am so sorry Octane.." she goes in and hugs Octane. I smile. Octane hugs her back "me too che..." he smiles. "So we are cool now?" Octane says, when Lifeline lets go of him. "Yeah, We cool." They laugh together and I watch them. "Sibling bond." I laugh and they laugh with me.


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