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Angst basically, but there will be a happy ending? Idk bc I need a happy ending or I'll cry.

Also, this is going to be beyond cringe,

I'm not okay with that but I already wrote quite a lot,

kazutomo?/kazuscara angst


Scaramouche POV; "you" refers to Kazuha'

December 3rd, 2022. 5:04 pm;

Today we were going to meet up, who you may ask? Me and Kazuha.

We stood outside in the cold weather, you slowly embracing me from behind. Your touch was always so gentle and warm. I felt safe in your arms.

I looked up at you and you give me the same smile you always have. I can't help but to smile back. It wasn't as good as yours but it will do.

You slowly lean in a give me light peck on the cheek. I gasp in shock and furrow my eyebrows. Trying to hide all the flush on my face, only gaining a giggle from you.

"Here, you're shivering," You say with a caring tone as you hand me your red scarf,

"Thank you..." I hesitate. 

I never really felt loved and I guess, I never will.

I wanted time to stop, I wanted to stay in this position and never leave. But fate was never on my side, and your phone rang. You quickly picked it up and I see the name 'Tomo <3' displayed on the screen.

The smile from my face slowly fades, jealous I was. 

"Hey, Tomo!" You smile grew wider as a tint of pink was displayed on your cheeks,

I hear a mumble on the phone and you respond, "Yeah, I'll be right there!"

You turned to me and you told me, "Sorry, I have to leave. Tomo's here,"

'Of course he does. Of course, of course he's more important than me. Of course, that kiss probably meant nothing. It was probably just a friendly one. Of course life will never give me what I want,'

I clench my fists in frustration and look up, only giving you a smile and a wave "Sure, I'll miss you,"

You say nothing and run away. I miss the warm feeling against my back but I guess that meant nothing either.

You run towards that blondie and jump into his arms, blush slowly spread across your face. I hear you two laugh and talk about god who knows what?

My wave slowly disappears as I lower my arm, and crouch into the sob, 'guess I really didn't meant anything, huh?'

I chuckle at myself while lifting my face. Like that would help reduce my tears. Letting the snow fall onto my face and melt into my tears. The cold snow burned against my pale skin. 

"Hey Scara, how are you?" a specific blond haired boy walks over all cheerful and giddy. But as soon as I turn my head that smile disappears. I feel guilty, taking away that smile on his face.

"What's wrong...?" He sounds genuinely concerned,

"Hey Aether?" I rub my eyes harshly, "What does it feel like to be loved?"

"What-" He starts as I cut him off, his face had confusion written all over it.

"Your dating Xiao right? You have people that care about you, friends and a family..." I mumble the last word as I never had a good relationship with my family,

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