Home, I Love Home. (Pt. 1)

589 11 21

They're both 16 in this AU, btw.


Scaramouche stared up at the gray sky along with the clouds that drifted with the wind. He was walking 'home.'

He used to love 'home' it was a place where he could laugh and smile. He didn't need to be scared of it. Actually, he wasn't exactly scared of his 'home' it was his father. . .

"God," He groaned in annoyance as he ruffled his indigo hair. Staring straight down onto the cold cement, spotting the tiny cracks in it.

He looked up and sighed, there it was. The front door, how he hated reaching out for that shiny door knob and turning it. He could hear the door creak open, ominously.

"I'm home," Scaramouche whispered even though he knew no one really cared.

He took off his shoes one by one and neatly put them on the shoe rack. Once he walked into the kitchen he was greeted by his mother.

"Hello, Kunikuzushi. How was school?" She spoke in a polite manner and a gentle voice, the exact opposite of his father. Sometimes he even wondered how the two got married.

"It was fine," he responded quickly. Gaining a quiey sigh from his mother. He always said school was fine, even though he knew it was never fine.

Scaramouche walked up the stairs one by one, trying not to make the stairs creak with every step he made. He didn't know why he did it, it just felt necessary. . .

One again he stared at the door that led to his room. He knocked on it just to make sure no one was inside, but why would anyone even be inside? Slowly opening his door he was met with his messy room. The thousands of unorganized papers scattered around his desk, the random items around his floor, the unmade bed. 

But for some reason it felt safe inside there. Scaramouche hastily dropped his school bag and laid down right onto his bed. He scrolled through his phone not keeping track of the time. Soon a notification popped up.

'Ah, Kazuha,'  He thought his eyes instantly lighting up. Quickly clicking on the notification.

Kazu <3

Hey. :D


Wow, why'd you answer so quickly?~

i was already on my phone

Yeah yeah


should I bring an extra water bottle to soccer?


Crap! He totally forgot about soccer. His eyes quickly adverted to the time, 5:40. He can still make it, the field wasn't too far away.

Choosing to ignore Kazuha's text he shut his phone quickly and ran downstairs, almost tripping on his way. He quickly grabbed his soccer back and changed his cleats and shin guards, along with grabbing a Gatorade and a water bottle.

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