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"Welcome Scara!" Kazuha opened the door as he welcomed Scaramouche inside. The two started dating a few months ago and Kazuha's parents decided to invite him over to dinner.

"Thanks Kaz," Scaramouche gave his lover a cheeky smile, his cheeks were flushed due to the fact it was cold outside,

The two quickly kissed each other and walked in, Scaramouche took of his shoes and was immediately greeted by Beidou,

"Hey kiddo!" She wrapped her arm around Scaramouche shoulder with a wide grin on her face, while Scaramouche forced a smile.

"Hey, he's mine!" Kazuha ran over to steal his boyfriend back, "Mine," wrapping his arms around his beloved he pouted, jokingly.

"Haha, you're so adorable," Scaramouche felt comfortable and safe in his arms,

"Hello! Scaramouche right? I am Ningguang, Kazuha's other mom," she smiled warmly and gestured him to come over, all 4 of them walked over to the dining table and at.

There was mapo tofu with rice and salt braised fish on the side.

Scaramouche took a bite of the fish, it was delicious. Salty and cooked very nicely,

"How is it? It's my specialty!" Beidou bragged proudly,

"It's very good thank you," Scaramouche smiled politely,

"Glad your enjoying it. Also Ning and Kazuha I need to talk to you about-" Suddenly all the sound just disappeared for Scaramouche. He watched as the family happily chatted. Not one bit of fear was spotted. They were happy. Scaramouche was never happy, never with his family. All they did was yell at him and hit him, they never showed one hint of kindness to him. He was jealous. He was so jealous of how they could talk to each other and not be scared.

A slight frown appeared on his face and you could clearly tell that Scaramouche had saddened,

"Scara? Are you alright, love?" Kazuha leaned over and attacked his neck with kisses,

"Yeah, I just need a moment outside. Is that alright?" he chuckled nervously,

Kazuha could tell something was wrong as his expression softened. "Of course, if something happens please tell me,"

"Okay, be right back!" he waved and ran out the front door. He sat on the cold pavement in the drive way and just stared at the stars. Contemplating about his life.

Why couldn't he be born in a normal family? Why couldn't his mom ever love him? Why was he the one? It was always him, he was never going to be happy was he?

Soon, his thoughts were interrupted by a certain albino boy, "Love, is something wrong?"

He sat down next to his lover as Scaramouche rest his head onto his shoulder, mumbling things that Kazuha couldn't make out.

"If you don't want to tell me you don't need to, though I do have some kind of idea why you're sad," he smiled sadly, he felt bad.

"Ah, sorry," Scaramouche furrowed his brows,

"Don't be sorry," Kazuha combed his hand through Scaramouche's silky hair,

"It's so unfair," "What is, love?" "It's so unfair how everyone is smiling and happy, why do I have to be the one to suffer? I don't get it!"

Scaramouche stood up in anger, but soon the anger disappeared or rather he forced it to disappear, "I'm going to get going now!" He smiled cheerfully.

Scaramouche practiced smiling everyday, it was so easy for him to fake a smile now. He'd sit in front of a mirror for hours, smiling with bruises and blood on his face. He smiled through it all. When he dies, he's probably going to have a smile on his face.

"No, we're going to talk this out. I want to have a proper talk about this," Kazuha stood up and faced the male,

"You-..." Scaramouche clenched his jaw, "You don't understand," Scaramouche's breath hitched as he cried, he didn't usually cry for all he did was keep his feelings bottled up,

"You're right, I don't," Kazuha approached Scaramouche, wrapped a hand around his hand and the other around his waist, "But I want to try to, because I love and care for you,"

The shorter male's eyes widened. No one ever cared for him, not his parents, sister, not even Childe and Signora. They just ignored his feelings like they didn't matter, but he's not saying they did. So why does Kazuha care?

"You don't care at all," he mumbled in denial, yet he still cried like a newborn right in Kazuha's arms.

"Yes, I do," Kazuha shot back, he wanted to help him. Kazuha lived a happy normal life but Scaramouche didn't...

"No, no one cares about me. No one, not even my family," He said in denial, once again.

"I care. If no one else does then I do," Kazuha's statement was him telling the truth. He wanted to care for Scara till the day he died,

"No no no, you have better people to care for. I'm worthless," Scaramouche tried to escape Kazuha's grip, but yet again. He couldn't because he was to weak,

"Is that what they told you? That you were worthless?" Kazuha felt his eyes tear up, even though he didn't really have the right to cry,

"No...! ...Well, maybe," Scaramouche dug his face into Kazuha's chest,

"You're not worthless. If you died I wouldn't know what to do anymore. If you died I bet your friends would cry for ages. We all would, because you aren't worthless," Kazuha kissed Scaramouche's jawline, slowly.

"But-" he choked out,

"No, you're not worthless. Don't listen to what your parent say, their just a bunch of bitches that don't know what they're talking about," Kazuha smiled, with sadness in his eyes.

There was silence until a sudden abrupt of laughter.

"Haha! I've-" he wheezed, "Never heard you curse!"

"Really now?" Kazuha smiled even wider, glad he could cheer him up, "Come in, you're staying the night after all,"

"Yeah, thank you love," Scaramouche let out a smile, a real one. Not the fake one he practiced in the mirror everyday. And his smile, it was a wonderful, beautiful smile.

"You're smile, is wonderful,"


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