A Voice in My Head

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Scaramouche walked up to his friend, Xiao. "Hey, do you-"

"Stop" a voice spoke. It was familiar and warming, it was Kazuha's.

"Shut up," he whisper yelled to himself, making Xiao look at his with worry.

"Just stop Scara, I'm gone,"

"Shut up. I don't want to believe it," his voice cracking more and more with every word he spoke.  Why couldn't he have died in that accident instead? If he did, Kazuha would be smiling next to his friends and new lover. He would be living the life he deserved.

"Scara. . . Please just forget,"

"No. I can't I-" his breath hitched and his hands trembled. Back then Kazuha would be there to hold his hands when he was scared.

"Hey don't-" Kazuha started. If you wanted to know the truth that was just a voice in his head. The voice he would pretend to be Kazuha so it wouldn't hurt as much. Foolish isn't he?

"Scaramouche, Kazuha's gone. Stop it, this isn't healthy,"

Xiao didn't understand. He couldn't understand because he had Aether, a family, and he was living his best life.

Scaramouche just wanted Kazuha back. . 


Heyyy yeah a short angst story but next chapter is fluff promise

Have a good day 💕

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