The Meaning of Life

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I still haven't done the sumeru archon quest bc im stuck on the chasm one bc i hate the chasm and don't want to do it. I'm planning on doing a whole quest day soon to go through all the archon quests tho. BUT because of that some this lore or stuff might not be accurate. Ty for understanding.+_______________________________+If you looked close enough and thought about it enough. Then, life is just a simulation. Nothing special, people say being born is a special chance. But we've all been born before. You live and die and once you die someone else is born to take your place. People grief for you but eventually, they stop and accept this life. Pointless, this what Wanderer thought. A simple thought process really. He wanted to end his life as soon as possible. The thing is he's a puppet so he cant.

Wandering through the vast city of Inazuma those disturbing thoughts corrupted his mind. They may be disturbing but they were the truth. Everybody lives and dies. People forget about you eventually and move on, see?

He shook his head in an attempt to scare off these negative thoughts. A small sigh escaped his mouth and he continued to walk around the lonely streets of this place of eternity. He lowered his head so that his large hat covered his face, though he still attracted attention. Probably due to those bright colored clothes he was wearing compared to the other humans. As he wasn't paying attention to where he was going he bumped into someone. It wasn't hard enough to make him fall over but he stumbled back quite a bit, causing his hat to fall off.

"Ah, my apologies. Are you alright?" A voice asked. It was a nice voice the person possesed. Soothing and gentle, enjoyable actually. Wanderer looked up to meet a man with platinum blonde hair, his red eyes stood out along with that red streak. It was quite a weird look though it matched him well.

"Yes, I'm quite alright. Thank you for asking-" He picked up his large hat but not before dusting off his clothes. Wanderer looked back at the young man and gave a smile even if he didn't want to.

"May I ask your name? You seem to also possess a vision," They spoke with a smile and much politeness.

"I have no use for my old name, you may call me whatever you want," Wanderer stared at them with the monotone expression he always wore. Boring.

"Hm, that's quite interesting. But I would like to know your real name if you do not mind. I'm not good at name giving," the man flashed a cheeky grin.

Wanderer sighed, "If you must know," he raised his brows, "My name is Kunikuzushi," He finally answered whilst crossing his arms.

"Well, I am Kaedehara Kazuha. You may call me Kazuha," Kazuha took a little bow and looked Kunikuzushi in the eyes.

"Kaedehara. . . ?" Kunikuzushi stared at Kazuha with wide eyes. He knew that red streak reminded him of something. But what are the chances he would meet a Kaedehara? Out of all the people in the world. . . he wasn't prepared for this.

Kazuha just looked at Kunikuzushi with a confused expression, "Yes, that is me. Here, as an apology how about I treat you to some food?" Kazuha offered.

"No, you don't need to. . ." Kunikuzushi tried declining for he was not human, but food did sound quite good at the moment. Some Shimi Chazuke to help with the cold weather.

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