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Scaramouche POV

You death was, pretty cliché.


I will constantly love you dear,

though fate always seems to be against us,

But don't you fear,

cause either way, I'll be right here

Just for you.


It was a normal day in Inazuma City. The sky was cloudy, it would rain from time to time, distant thunder. It was terrible, I hated it. The sun would never shine but when I heard your voice. It seemed like it did.


Kazuha, your voice is something words itself can't describe. The way you pronounced my name was so alluring.

"Kazuha," I let out a smile, I will only smile for you dear.

"Mhm," you would smile,

You would always smile at me. Even though you knew what a terrible person I was. The multiple different crimes I had committed as a fatui harbinger. and yet you would still smile at me like I was a normal person. You made me feel wanted, y'know?

"You're going to war soon," I spoke words that I knew would hurt me, words that would break me. But it was the truth you were going to war soon and you would leave me.

"I know Scara, don't need to remind me," you smiled, why are you smiling? You might die.

"Stop," I demand,

"Stop what?"

"Stop smiling," you could probably hear the restrain in my voice,

"Don't worry Scara. I'm strong I won't die," you patted my head with your hurt hands, they were burned and bandaged.

"Kazuha, how do you know you're not going to die? How can you be so sure?" 

"I just know, I'm leaving tomorrow in fact," those words you spoke broke me more than I though they would

When I wake up to take my walk tomorrow. You won't be there anymore to smile at me, to say my name in such a way, and pat my head gently with your rough hands. You'll be gone,

I suppose tears ran down my cheeks as I stared into your eyes. I've never cried, never. But I guess this is what it's like to cry, it pained me a lot more than I though it would.

"You're leaving," I manage to choke out.

"Yes. Yes I am, dear Scara," yet again, you smile.

Silence filled the air as I looked down at the stone brick rode from where I stood. I didn't- I couldn't say anything. It's like I couldn't speak anymore.

"Well, I need to prepare for war Scara. I'll see you in a few weeks?" you questioned again with that same smile,

You walked away from my sight, "Kazuha,"

You turned around from the sound of your name, "Yes Scaramouche?"

"Call me Kunikuzushi from now on," 

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