okay this is literally a vent so yuh.

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my dad hates me, i swear on god. No matter what i fucking do he just says its not enough and ill never be good enough. He yells at me all the time even when sometimes i did nothing wrong.

He doesn't even let me go to my close friends house because he thinks they'll poison me.

I get skinny shamed if that even a thing, my friends would roll up my sleeves and hold up my wrist because its so skinny, a literal stick. they hold it up, shake it around and laugh, all i ever did was laugh along because i didn't know what to do.

I love kazuscara, it's literally my comfort ship <3

ill post part two to home i love home soon, hopefully, im working on it rn.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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