Chapter 14: The Twin Carnotaurus

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

While the group were on the top of the tree, they've been waiting for an hour or two. While waiting, they see the Velociraptors from below, and they are still feasting on the corpse of their victim, Usui. While they were still devouring their meal, they look up and sniffed the air and decided to leave. They left the corpse with open flesh and guts, with blood all over the body.

Naruse: "Why did they leave?"

Soap: "They must have been in a hurry for something."

Tarma: "I probably think they should be gone right now." He said to them.

(Y/N): "I think they must have realized what territory their in." He said.

(Y/N) thinks and deducted that the direction where the raptors came from when the herbivores caused a stampede and they're in a different part of the jungle. (Y/N) also mentions that there was a horrible foul sent of old urine coming from the bottom of the tree when they climbed up on to it, which could mean that they're in a territory of another possible predator that is more deadly than the raptors. So they decided to get down from the tree and head for the medical facility.

(Y/N): "Let's get going."

(Y/N) notices that the other group was missing.

(Y/N): "Wait, where are the others?"

Soap: "I think they must went that way."

Soap points to the other path where the other group was, they must have already left on their own.

When (Y/N) with the operators and group of survivors are walking out to somewhere else by themselves and they both were heading out to somewhere in the middle of the jungle by themselves and then (Y/N) was with Soap and the operators got their guns that they both were reloading the weapons right away and then (Y/N) with the others are walking and they both were heading out to somewhere else in the jungle.

After they both were walking and they need to keep moving fast as they could and they both heard some dinosaurs are moving here right away and then (Y/N) with the survivors are heading to the middle over there and when they both stop and they are going to take a relax right away. Then (Y/N) with Soap are tired and they both breathing out and they were tired going through the battle of these dinosaurs that they were facing for.

When the group of survivors and (Y/N) with operators thought that they take their own relaxation right away but then (Y/N) sense something else is here and make him turn his head to look over there and he take his submachine gun out.

Soap: "Ghost! What are you-" He tried to said and they both heard the screech with shriek from the dinosaur was gonna attack at them right away and (Y/N) was aim his submachine gun and shooting at the raptor who was jumped and attack at Soap.

Soap: "Jesus! Thanks, mate!" He said to (Y/N) and then they both heard the raptors noises came here right away and then they both turn their heads to look and saw the group of raptors are surrounding at (Y/N) with Soap and operators also the group of survivors too that they were been surrounding by these carnivores. When (Y/N) with the operators told the group of survivors to go somewhere and get safety right away and they both just did it and then (Y/N) with Soap and the operators are got their guns out and prepare shoot but they heard the other roar from the creature.

???: "*ROAR*"

When the new appearance of creature was appeared by itself and jumped up and landing down on the top of the big rock and make the two of them saw this creature is a raptor....but the color of creature is black with yellow horns on his head, and mouth having a white face of Raptor. This dinosaur must be the alpha for these dinosaurs right here.

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