Chapter 3: Double boss

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They're two ways to go about getting an expedition. One, register as an awakened wanderer and get approved for one by the awakeners association, or two. Be desperate enough to join an illegal one through private listers.

"Oh, Aremi you made it!" Some short blonde guy shouted from afar. He was with a group of four people, and from the looks of it, was only one of the lackeys.

The rest of the guys took notice of us coming towards them, their faces speaking of clear disdain even though they were trying to hide it. As belittling as that was I somehow wasn't phased. Being stuck at level one, I was used to that.

"So these are the guys you invited?"

"Well, we only needed the numbers anyways."

Aremi smiled awkwardly and shook the hand of the golden retriever looking guy. Even though his group couldn't care less about us, his smile seemed genuine.

"Thanks again for this chance Hindren."

"Don't mention it, we save so much on association fees this way hehe." Hindren replied.

A taller male with a goatee and ponytail turned to us. Judging by the way everyone else revolved around him he was clearly the boss. He glanced at us with close to no expression in his eyes. Almost like he was looking at grass blowing in the wind. Like it being there was just natural.

"My names Mare, i'm the party leader and also a C ranker. This here is a long-forgotten crystal mine that has since been overrun by the ghouls who decided to breed here. As long as you guys stay behind us you'll be fine."

Without saying another word he turned away, and his team members followed him into the mine shaft one by one. On the outside everything appeared normal. Creepy old mine shaft, pretty common, but for some reason I could feel an ominous essence slithering out.

I swallowed my saliva and took a deep breath before following behind them. Sweat dripped down the crease of my back and as Aremi walked by I grabbed his shoulder. 

"Hey are you sure this is ok?"

He looked at me with an expression I could hardly read. To someone else it could've come off as cold, but knowing him it was likely tough love.

"If it weren't would you turn back?"

An interesting question. He asked that because he already knew the answer. The answer I gave him the other night when he offered me to join them.

"Join us on our next expedition."

That night I was at a loss for words. I couldn't help but crease my brows as I tried to understand why he was suggesting that while knowing my condition.

"Huh? What are you saying all of the sudden?"

"Yeah I'd like to know too."

Heather stood behind Aremi with her hands on her hips. Her voice clearly shook as she spoke, but it was hard to take her seriously when she looked like someone's fantasy drawing. Some men might pay a lot of coin to have her get angry with them.

"What are you trying to make him do, you know he can't go on expeditions."

Even though that was the case, Aremi hardly acknowledged her and simply closed his eyes to hide her from his view. He then folded his arms and spoke with certainty.

"Yeah, not official ones anyways."

Heather raised her voice. "Aremi don't tell me!"

Aremi ignored her and turned to me once more. "Allan you promised us you wouldn't steal anymore because it puts you in too much risk, and yet you still do it. Why?"

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