Chpater 16: Father Boar

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Aremi's first kill gave him three levels, his second kill gave him one, and as he continued to level up the amount of boars it took for him to level up also increased. After a month he had finally surpassed his old level, and after another month he had reached his maximum once again.

This time it was level 37. Still a very low level, but undoubtedly stronger than level 27. Considering the fact that a 10 level difference is actually the difference between 30 placeable points, it begins to make sense why he can now take on a pack of boars himself.

Wheat boars by nature are pack creatures, sticking to groups of around 4 to 20. When compared to other mystical creatures, they were pretty weak, but even with that being said they were one of the top tier weak creatures. If one wasn't prepared death wasn't out of the question.

Which emphasized more on Aremi's new strength. With just 10 levels he could now take on an entire pack alone.

"Body of the flame's envoy, spread."

His once golden eyes began to spark and swirl with hints of orange, and then as if he caught fire, small flames engrossed his entire body and ignited the tips of his platinum hair. When he opened his mouth to cast a spell smoke fumed out.

"Flames." He said, and suddenly a burst of blazing flame that couldn't be compared to before swallowed 6 boars at the same time, effectively destroying half their pack.

Heather and I covered our eyes as we watched from afar. Even from the safety of the trees we could feel the heat from his spells.

As we were thinking to congratulate him on his newfound abilities the ground began to shake. Birds began to scream from all over the forest, and loud thuds of falling trees could suddenly be heard.

My face became like a stone, and my eyes focused far across the field of grass and into the other side of trees. "What the hell is that..?"

Heather instinctively stepped backwards and her hands began to shake. At first glance she seemed prepared to fight anything, but without even realizing it her body was telling her to leave. "That's..."

The rumbling grew louder, ever homing onto our location. Any boars that were left alive scurried away in desperate fear.

"Hey guys I think it's time to go." Aremi suggested as he made his way back to us.



I leapt out the cover of the trees and dashed directly towards the unknown beast with all my speed.


"Hey, wait..!"

[ Must-Do Quest! ]
You've disturbed the monster sleeping underneath the trees. Defeat Mordrid father of all boars!

[ Reward ]
+10 vitality

[ Penalty ]
Blindness for 1 week

'A sudden quest again, and this time if I don't complete it I'll become blind.. shit!'

The beast finally broke through the trees and began to wreck havoc to everything in sight. It's shoulders were like mountains, and it's eyes black like the oceans abyss. As if to tell a tale of his long slumber, there was grass, stones and even trees growing on his back.

Due to my emperors body I could see it's name and level. It was a great buff that gave me some innate skills that people would normally have to train extremely hard for.

[ Father of all boars, Modrid ] [ Level 41 ]

"Who dare wake the king of the forest and mountains from his sleep?" He spoke with a voice so deep I could barely understand him.

"It was me!" I said as I stood far enough behind him so that I wouldn't be caught in his rage.


Aremi and Heather finally caught up with me. Their faces full of disbelief and horror. "Allan are you mental, let's get out of here. We can't fight this demon we'll die!"

"We still have time..!" Heather yelled.

Their reactions were justified, even more so because they didn't have a mental skill like I did. Even with my skill I was still extremely nervous because of it's red name. So I could only imagine what they felt in front of this boss monster.

"Humans, beings with no shame or respect. So it was you who woke this king from his century long nap!" Modrid roared and with it came a wave of energy that made even me shutter, but I stood my ground.

"That's right you ancient dog, you would think that after a century of beauty sleep you'd look prettier, but don't worry I'm going to put you right back underneath that mountain."

A deep hatred and burning rage unlike before entered my body through Modrid's roars and made my bones shiver. "Insolent fool."

His movements began to change. He went from thrashing about randomly to an extremely precise crash directly at me that shouldn't have been possible for a being that large.

"Allan no!"

"Healing grace..!"


Before the impact heather desperately tried to begin a healing spell, but she was too late. The ground exploded, and a cloud of dust flew in all directions. From my friends perspective's I had just died before them.

[Quick step] (lvl 7)
Your next step will allow you to move at incredible speeds when this skill is activated.
Cost: 5 stamina

Quick steps. A skill I gained while in the ascended ghoul's cave reached level seven, and with that the cost has dropped by two stamina. Meaning I could use it for even longer periods than before.

It was before Heather even casted her spell that I activated this skill and dashed off to a safe spot.

"You missed." I said condescendingly from above. The dust quickly disappearing to reveal my figure standing on a large branch.

I disregarded the shocked expressions of my colleagues and even the monster below me, and immediately began my attacks. Every second a new wound appeared on its huge body.

Truthfully, the boar was only powerful, fast and big with absolutely no skills at all, but because of its size it worked in its favor. He quickly understood he would never be able to land a precise attack on me, and began to thrash around again, this time much crazier than before.

I saw an opening to take out his eye and went for it, but his unpredictability caught me.


His tail of all things caught me in the middle of one of my attacks and was strong enough to send my flying straight like a bullet.


The ground exploded again, but this time with my body as the cause. I could feel warm blood dripping down my face and various wounds across my body, but nonetheless I kept going.

He was strong and unpredictable, and I was fast and elusive, but I soon realized that wasn't enough. Looking closely, all of my attacks were far too shallow. Even with the decrease in cost for quick step I was using too much stamina. A prolonged battle wasn't in my favor.

'I have to find a way to deeply injure him,' I thought as I began looking for any weak points he might've had. 'Let's try his tendons...!'

As soon as I got down that low he crashed into the ground with his whole body. I would've been squashed if I didn't already prepare myself for that.

'Ok you fat bastard, then your eyes!'


'.....!' Dozens of broken sword pieces scattered right before my eyes after clashing with Modrid's tusk.

I quickly made some distance between us, and pulled a piece of my broken sword out of my leg. "...Fuck."

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