Chapter 18: Feelings

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We defeated Mordrid, but at the cost of nearly all our energy. I stood in the shower outside our home letting the burning water wash away all my stress. Everyone else was either asleep or getting ready for bed, or so I thought.

"I'll have to thank Aremi for heating the water tomorrow." I mumbled to myself as I stepped outside the shower.

As I was walking back I noticed Heather leaning against the side of the front door looking directly at me, as if she had been waiting. "Enjoy your shower?" She asked.

"It was fine, but it's really late... what are you doing out here? Don't tell me you were waiting for me?" I made fun of her. As I was talking I remembered that picking on her was one of my favorite pass times.

Heather stepped closer to me unhesitatingly. "Actually I was. We never really got the chance to talk since you came back."

That wasn't the answer I was expecting. "Can't it wait till tomorrow?"

"Maybe but I wanted to get it off my chest right now."

"Oh okay... What is it?"

She folded her arms together and for a second her face looked really angry. Then she took a deep breath and sighed. "Allan, you've gotten stronger. There's no doubt about that, but you're too risky. Why did you risk all of our safety and run to fight that monster like that?"

Her face became red and tears began to roll down her face. She couldn't hold it in anymore and started crying. "What if one of us got killed?"

I wasn't expecting that confrontation either, but it made sense. Heather has always been the most rational one of the three of us, and constantly gets angry with me whenever I do something dangerous.

This didn't anger me though. We all grew up without parents and only had each other to rely on. In the midst of all that anguish and hardships Heather had to take the role of a caring mother. Even for Aremi and I.

"I'm sorry I should've apologized earlier." I said as I gave her a hug. She then began to cry uncontrollably, and hugged me even tighter.

"We-we just got you back, please take care of yourself..."

I didn't know what to say. In my chase of greatness I carelessly hurt the ones I love. "I'm sorry," I said again.

The next morning we all met up back at the boar fields.   Actually I was the last to arrive because I woke up too late and was greeted by the rest of them.

I gave Heather a shy smile as a greeting. Last night was a little intense, but I understood how she felt and promised I'd be more careful. She smiled back which proved that she'd forgiven me.

On the other hand, Aremi was just happy to be there. "Hey, you're late." He said as he put his arm around me.

"Sigh... somehow I'm still tired."

"Ahhhhh!" Heather suddenly screeched at the top of her lungs. At the same time my entire body was shaken and my vision blurred.

Adrenaline instantly filled my body as I turned to see what was happening. ".....!"


Heather and Aremi held hands as they deviously laughed together. Their smiles crooked and twisted like the demons they were. I belatedly realized Aremi had shook my shoulders, and Heather was faking.

"You bastards..." I mumbled as I watched them dance around like stupid fairies.

"Hmm still tired hehe?" Aremi asked mockingly.

I looked at them as if they had murdered my entire family. With the despise of one thousand mothers who just watched their son break a girls heart. This behavior I expected from Aremi, but Heather was another story.

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