Chapter 11: Kiss of lightning

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'I knew Kryse didn't want the human boy to leave, but staying here with us would only cause him harm. He's from another world, and not to mention the emperor would have our heads if we were to be found nursing him back to life.'

I thought as I watched my sister hold back her sadness as Allan left. Gently, I patted her head.

"Don't worry, he's the only one from his group that survived. He will be fine."

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?"

Kryse wiped away a tear. "I'm not sure, I just have this feeling I'll never see him again."


A likely scenario considering the fact we live under the earth and he, above. I wouldn't be surprised if we lived for a thousand years and never saw him again. Well, for my sisters sake I hope we do.

"Let's go inside now."

"Mm." She agreed.

Our days were nothing special, in fact I'm certain they were very similar to a family somewhere above ground. My sister spent her time at the farm, doing chores, and occasionally practicing magic, but she was no good at it. I'm certain she would make a great mother one day who could heal her children's scrapped knees.

I, on the other hand spent my time training, such as now in the backyard as my sister did laundry. Every swing of my blade was the same as the last, only meant to be repeated to create good habit.

To be honest, I had reached my peak long ago, but even a fine blade would grow dull if left to sit.


I let out a deep breath after swinging for the one thousandth time.

"Brother would you like something to drink?"

Kryse asked. She always made sure to be considerate. I smiled.

"No, it's alright."

Thud thud!


Suddenly crashing and banging could be heard from within the house, and the foot steps of many men. The shock was frightening.


"Stay here!"

I demanded as I bolted into our home. The place was a mess, the doors were kicked in and our belongings laid about as if a beast had run through the place, and the ones responsible continued to do so.

There was a lot happening at once. From my fellow knight's thrashing my house, to my superior commander staring daggers into my eyes, but the biggest surprise was my grandfather leading them.

"Grandfather! Commander Runnel what is the meaning of this?!" I yelled.

"I'm so sorry my dear grandchild, I misspoke-"

Grandfather tried to speak, but was silenced by the commander who placed his hand up. A moment of silence went by without anything being said.

"Kasaire. You are on a fast track to becoming one of the emperors hands. Your skills are second to none within our party, and your loyalty is something the young should aspire to. "


Commander Runnel kept eye contact without blinking. Seemly searching for me to break character. His stature wasn't broad, but something about it was noble and intimidating even though I was stronger than him.

"Which was why I was stricken with such surprise when I learnt that you hid one of those vermin humans that attacked the empire."

My eye twitched, but I shouldn't have been so surprised, why else would they be here.

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