Chapter 20: True beginning

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'No.. I won't make it in time... Aremi, Heather, please...!' I could barely think as I raced to reach him.  'Please, make it in time!'

Even though I wished that, I already knew the truth. There was no chance for me to stop the attack even if by some miracle he had a heart attack and died right there on the spot.


The energy scratched the air and shot forth, it was over.

"That's enough..." Darrel who had been silent for awhile was suddenly in front of the attack. His posture was strong, and his arms covered in a strange off white armor that looked like bones.



He intercepted the attack which pushed him to the extent of leaving five meter long skid marks in the grass. It was a battle between a great offensive attack and a great defense. In the end Darrel's armor broke into pieces, but only after the energy had dispersed and became nothing.

"Boss why did you... urk..!-"

With a single clean chop to the neck Darrel knocked Zachary unconscious.

'To knock out that guy out who I struggled so desperately against with one attack...' I thought as I finally stood in front of my friends.

[Darrel lvl 91]

'Lvl 91...! Was he always this strong, then in the past...'

"...Darrel, why did you do that..?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh, l had to discipline him is all." He replied nonchalantly

"No, I mean why did you save my friends? Isn't this your doing?"

Darrel looked genuinely surprised. "Uh, no? I simply wanted to know if you could really level up. Some blame is on me but It's not entirely my fault that this guy is a fucking retard that goes overboard." He said as he kicked him in the head.

"...Well you should have your answer, I'm leaving." I said as I began to pick up Aremi and Heather.

He didn't reply back to me, only watched as I carried my friends away. One over my shoulders, and the other in my arms grasps. Then as I was about to enter the forest he shouted.

"Be prepared!"

'Huh' I didn't know what he meant, but somehow those words sent chills down my spine. 'Be prepared... for what?'

That day was the start of a persistent anxiety that grew within me. A fear of the world coming after me, or my loved ones, a feeling of impending doom just waiting to happen. Despite that, life was pretty good.

Six fast months passed since then and as far as I could tell my identity and ability to level up was still unknown. So for sixth months we leveled up, learned new skills, bought new gear, and made a decent enough earning through selling monster parts. Although the money wasn't a lot because most of the parts were either burnt or destroyed beyond recognition.

Still, we earned enough to support the orphanage to a slightly greater extent. Everyday the kids were able to eat new meats from all those monsters we killed, and with the extra money we were able to afford new clothes, blankets, and even hire a nanny to watch over them when we were away.

"Every morning I walk 2 miles here, and every night I walk 2 miles back. When are you going to build me a room, huh?" The grumpy middle aged woman asked scornfully as she rubbed her bare foot.

I knelt down and began to massage them for her. My grip was strong due to my stats, and easily rubbed out the knots. "I'm sorry Miss Lauren, for now will this suffice?"

Miss Lauren was the nanny we hired fourth months ago after we realized our income was pretty stable. Despite her marks of age such as wrinkles, and loosening skin it was clear she was once a person who could turn heads. The muscles in her forearms were also visible every time she lifted the laundry or something with weight, and the veins in her hands popped.

These were all clear signs of a hard worker, and a person perfectly fit for the job. As I rubbed her feet it was clear that it softened her mood, although she didn't want to show it. "Hmph, for now."

"Ewwww Allan's rubbing Miss Lauren's feet!" One of the children yelled in disgust.

"...Ah yuckkk!"

"Stella look, Allan is doing something nasty!"

Stella's face suddenly looked of horror. "Allan stop..!" She yelled as she ran over and began to massage Miss Lauren's feet for me. "Let me do this, you have to go meet brother and sister for the wanderers exam!"

A teenage girl that just turned fifteen. Like most people she awakened with a terrible maximum level and had no choice but to live the life she currently has. Despite that I had high hopes that she could easily marry into a wealthy family. Like a Diamond in the rough all she needed was to be polished and then her golden eyes wouldn't be the only striking feature of hers.

I rubbed her messy red hair until it was even messier. "Yeah your right, thanks haha, well then I'll see you guys later. Oh and Stella."


"Make sure to keep a watchful eye on the kids if Miss Lauren falls asleep okay?"

Stella eyes brightened. As the eldest of the children she too felt a great desire to be of help, and it felt good for me to give her some sort of responsibility. "Yes, of course!" She said with excitement and accidentally woke up Miss Lauren who fell asleep.

"Eh...oh dear I fell asleep... hm but why are you massaging my feet. Where did that boy run off to?"

By the time she noticed someone else was rubbing her feet I was already gone and making my way to the place the wanderers exam would be held. None other than the capital of our country, home to all races, the city of Arosia.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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