Chapter 14: Reunion

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Within the earth there was no sense of time. As I left the secret cave's exit and resurfaced a sudden beam of sunlight hit my face. I covered my eyes and allowed them to slowly adjust before removing my hand. "So it's daytime..." I mumbled as the light revealed my red swollen eyes.

It had been two weeks since I last stepped my feet in regular dirt. I crumbled it under my bare toes. "Well then, it's time to finally head home." I said before beginning my journey.

Without much thought I began to walk. There was no way to know where I was so I didn't think much of it and just started to move forward. When night fell, I slept in the trees, when I got hungry I ate the fruit I found about, until eventually I met strangers crossing by.

They told me I had to turn around to find my city, so I did so and continued on. It wasn't bad, the walk I mean. Sure my feet was becoming sore and I had to frequently stop to massage my soles, but I enjoyed the time it gave me to think. Life was valuable and I have to make the most of it.

As I was sitting down rubbing my feet the bushes in front of me suddenly began to rustle. ".....!"


I readied my sword, but I soon realized there was no need.


A small fluffy thing jumped out of the bushes and ran towards my feet. Despite its fur being full of dirt I could still make out that it was white. The little thing jumped on my leg and began to climb up me with its claws.

"A kitten..." I mumbled as I picked it up and looked at it closely.

"Meww!" It screamed again.

Suddenly another one jumped out of the bushes, and began to climb up my leg. "Eeeee!" It screamed at a higher pitch.

"Interesting," I said as I placed them on the ground. They looked at me with big blue eyes, nearly convincing me to bring them with me, but instead I ran.

'Those things were pretty cute but their mom is probably nearby so I'll just leave them there.'



They screamed loud enough for me to look back. Feet too small to barely run struggled to keep up with me. '...No way, they're chasing me???'

"Stop, go home." I told the kittens.

Purr purrr purrrrr....

Apparently they didn't understand human words and assumed I was showing them attention. I blankly stood there as they rubbed on my legs.


I somehow ended up with two little kittens following me the entire way. Sometimes I'd hold them, and other times I'd let them follow me. At night when they're sleeping I'd try to escape and leave them in secret but they'd somehow wake up and start screaming and chasing me.

In the end we decided to take this journey together. "Alright then, you're a boy so your name is Kaisire," I said as I sat in front of the two kittens. They seemed to be confused, but happy to just be there. "And your name is kryse since you're a girl. How's that?"

There wasn't much of a response, but if they were going to follow me they had to at least have names. So we continued on as we were, and eventually ended up home after a couple of days.

"I made it..." I mumbled.

I could smell the yeast from the freshly baked bread as I stood at a distance, observing what I thought I'd never see again. A humble home of weak wood, makeshift doors, and lousily repaired holes in the roof. Despite what appeared to be a house on the verge of death the atmosphere was abundantly alive.

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