Chapter 17: Together were strong

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If I were going to be honest with myself, I was losing this battle. The longer this went on, the harder it was for me to breath. Half of my vision was red due to the blood from my head running off into my eye, and my legs were feeling three times heavier. Not to mention my sword shattered into a million pieces

"Huff huff huff..."

I truly didn't expect for this to be the outcome, but still I believed in myself. All I needed was to take out his eyes, and then the rest would be easy. 'Haha, ancient dog, don't even think you've won yet. I still have one last thing up my sleeve.'

Mordrid couldn't read my thoughts, but the way he persistently attacked me seemed like he could. In the next moment either I die, or he loses an eye.


My vision turned completely red and the blood on my body seared off. A sudden inferno of blazing fire crashed into the boar forcing it to change directions.


Although he was considered a novice wizard, from my perspective Aremi looked like a grandmaster as he swirled fire around in the sky, whipping an untamable beast into submission with the fear of fire.

Modrid attempted to charge at him, but as soon as he got too close he was bombarded with scorching flames that sent him reeling back. Aremi was really pulling the aggro all on his own, and even doing better than I was.

'I have to join him...!' I thought as I pushed forward, ready to jump back into combat.

"Healing grace, vigor, inspirit."

Before I could fully move an orchestra of lights twirled around my body. With them my health, stamina, mana and strength all started to come back to me.

"Heather..." I mumbled as I watched her chanting her spells from behind me.

Her face was distressed and she was covered in cold sweats. Only at that moment had I realized how stressful this situation would've been for them. This was truly the first life or death battle all three of us have been in together.

My eyes began to water, and my throat became stuffy. Watching Aremi fend off that wicked creature to protect me, and Heather doing her best to make sure I'm ok. I knew the extent of their love, but I only now realized in the midst of combat that we are a party, and were strongest together.

"Thank you..!" I said as I wiped a tear from my eye, and dashed off to join Aremi.

He was holding him off well, especially due to the fact that fire was good against beast types, but he could only do that for so long without dealing any serious damage. "Yo!"

"Yo!" I replied.

"Listen, my mana is quickly running out so I can only hold him back for a little while longer. Use the distraction i'm creating to land a fatal blow!"

"I'll do my best..!" I yelled back while simultaneously dodging the boss's attacks.

'A lethal attack... I don't have anything like that but if there was any time to use that skill it's now.' I thought, realizing I didn't have many options.

A bluish grey smoke began to enveloped my arms and feet. Then they dissipated, and what was left was a materialized gauntlets, and boots.

[ Emperors body grants you the emperors armor skill ]

[ Emperors Armor ]
A personal skill created when your human blood mixed with your ghoul blood. Emperors Armor contains multiple different armor pieces which can be activated separately.

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