Chapter 9: The siblings

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After battling for so long I felt many discomforts. My arms were weak, and my hands slightly numb. I bit my tongue at some point, so now I keep randomly tasting blood every so often. I'm scared to lift up my shirt because I know I'll see tons of bruises, but there was something else.

If I ignored all the other pains I'd realize how uncomfortable my skin feels. Firstly it's covered in my own dried sweat. Dirt and blood then got added on top of that, and to make it even worst most of the blood isn't even mine. It's the gross blood of the ghouls.

With that being said, would I dream of kissing someone in that state? The answer was clear, but that's what caused me the most anxiety in my present situation. At first I couldn't move, mainly because I was still in so much pain, but the suddenness of her kiss made me jump back and fall.

'She randomly kissed me..? Why? No, more importantly why when I'm in this disgusting state. Will her lips be okay? ' I cringed at the thought of her tasting the salt and iron from my filthy skin.

"...Wait, you can't. Please find something to clean your mouth -"

I tried to warn her, despite knowing she speaks another language, but she was already a step ahead of me. She promptly took out a clean cloth and began to gently pat her lips.

'How embarrassing!' I squirmed inside as I watched her.

When she was done she looked up at me and blushed. Her long white lashes nearly covered her blue eyes as she fluttered them.

"...Hello, can you understand me now..?"

Surprise filled me as she began to speak, her words flowing eloquently and filling my ears with a calm serenity.

'...She's suddenly speaking my language. Don't tell me it was the -'

"Oh no, maybe I didn't do it right... shall I try again?" She mumbled as she began to lean closer to me.

"Please stop..!" I yelled as I fell back on my elbows. "Ah shit that hurts, damnit sorry..."

I can tell she was surprised, but in which way I didn't know. Her finger was on her lip as she watched me in confusion.

"Sorry, I was just surprised... but I can understand you well now. Was that kiss a language learning spell?" I asked after sitting up on my knees.

Suddenly I felt a sharp glare from behind me that literally stung. Even my health dropped by a point, which in my current state was detrimental.

"What else could it possibly be?" The ghoul knight asked with killing intent in his eyes.

My health continued to tik away. 'Huh, am I going to die? Why is he so angry?' I thought in utter horror.


"Stop." The girl demanded as she lightly smacked his head.



The pressure emitting from him abruptly came to end as awkwardness filled his face. "..."

Was it that easy to tame a wild lion. Probably not, I'm sure if anyone else tried that their hand would be gone from existence. I stared with astonishment of her amazing skills, and she looked back at me and winked.

'I got your back.' She gestured, or so it seemed if I could read minds.

This was an interesting turn of events. I was certain I was going to die this time around, but I was saved by two strangers in an unknown land. They brought me to their home, and bandaged my wounds. Showed me kindness I didn't believe I deserved, but according to them I did a great favor. Well according to one person, the other seemed to hate me.

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