Chapter 6: Endure

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"Prostrate yourselves before the emperor." One of the knights standing at his side spoke, and we fell.

It was interesting. Although his words held no aggression, they were mighty. Therefor we fell, and bowed to the extent of our faces smashing against the floor.

"Fuck, what is this?!" Mare yelled as he tried to push up to no prevail.

"I can't.. I can't move!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck!"

'No way, what is this. I feel like my heads going to explode..!" I thought as my mind became dizzy and unfocused.

Then as if it were a lie, the pressure alleviated itself. We could breathe. It couldn't be helped, everyone gasped for air, and drooled uncontrollably from their mouths. Aremi and I were no different, but as soon as he could speak he turned to me.

"Allan we have to get out of-"

"Gahhhhhhhh!" Mare yelled as he rushed the emperor. 'I'll smash that stupid face in..!"

The emperors expression never changed, nor did his knights position, and for this they were hit with Mare's best surprise attack. Or so it appeared to the rest of us, so why was Mare suddenly facing our direction.

"Huh..?" He was confused for a moment, but turned to attack the emperor again, but the same thing happened. Again, and again.

"Ah stop fucking with me!" He yelled as he attacked once more.

For the first time, the emperor made a different expression and looked to his side as he sighed. "By slowing myself down by about one hundred times, I'll give you the blessing of knowing."

This time we could all see it somehow. I say somehow because it was still nearly instantaneous. The emperor moved at unrealistic speeds, and turned Mare around while also absorbing all the momentum from his attack.

"No way.." Hindren mumbled as his body began to shake. "I've been on numerous expeditions with Mare. His attacks have literally blown holes into mountains. Something like that shouldn't be possible!"

We were speechless, and so was Mare. It was clear that he wasn't the emperors match.

"I see, I'm completely outclassed." He laughed as he dropped his sword. "Strike me down then, I'll gladly accept dying at the hands of someone of your caliber."

"Strike you down? I'll be doing no such thing. In fact I brought you all here for something I think you all will find very much entertaining."

All the knights and guards in the room began to march around us until we were surrounded.

"You see, I heard the screams of my people. I smelled their blood being spilled, and I wondered what on earth could be happening. What calamity is befalling them?" He said as glanced over at me. "Then I smelled the scent of humans."

A chill ran down my spine and I hesitantly gulped and looked down. It felt wrong to even look at him at this point, his presence was too strong. Never have I wanted to disappear more in my life. So why was I feeling more so seen?

"Only humans could be capable of such meaningless acts of violence." Standing now in the middle of us, he reached out his hand and placed it in my hair. "So kill yourselves through a game you humans came up with using your talent for wickedness. Endure."

'What..?' Was the only thing I could think as my mind went blank. Endure was the torturous game played by those with demonic souls. One that goes against the very nature of all beings. Making loved ones fight each other.


Everyone else was without words as well. Not because they couldn't understand, but because they had no choice but to accept whatever judgement this being placed on them. The emperor smiled slightly while recognizing this.

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