Lightning Rod//Barry Allen

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You are on the field with Barry and Oliver. You were trying to take down a very powerful meta. Your meta power was invisibility. They were going to use you as a distraction. "Hey over here." you say appearing. He goes after you and you turn invisible again. You start to reappear and disappear at random times. He was getting angry. Barry throws a lightning bolt at him. Luckily you were out of the way. He absorbs the lightning and shoots back at Barry.

He gets thrown about twenty feet away. He gets up and speeds over. "You good Flash?" Oliver asks. "I'm good. Where's Obscurity?" he asks, talking about you. Cisco gave you that name because of your power. "She was just here." Oliver says. You turn around and you could see Oliver drawing back his arrow. "You have failed this city." he says. He let's it fly. Once it lands, you turn visible. It didn't hit the guy. The arrow was sticking out of your shoulder.

You fall to your knees and the guy runs off. Barry speeds him and Oliver over to you. Oliver picks you up and Barry speeds you and him to S.T.A.R Labs. "What happened to perfect aim, Ollie?" you say in a joking tone. You chuckle a little but it hurt. Barry helped you onto the bed in the Med-Lab. Caitlin walks in and sees an arrow sticking out of you. "I thought Oliver had better aim." she says. "It's my fault. I was in the way and when I was trying to move, it's like my power was malfunctioning. It's like it wouldn't let me move right away." you say.

Once she carefully takes the arrow out and stitches you up, she starts to bandage you up. "That's going to leave a nasty scar." Barry says. "Worth it." you say. "Getting shot by Oliver is worth it?" He asks. "Most definitely." you say. At this point, Caitlin had already left the room. It was just you and Barry.

The next day, you wake up to breakfast and a little note. It was from Barry. He wanted you to meet him in the Speed Lab. Once you ate, you got up and headed down to the Speed Lab. "Barry? Where are you?" you ask. With the blink of an eye, he was standing there in front of you. "Why did you need me down here?" you ask.

"Look Y/N, I was very hesitant in letting you be apart of Team Flash. You've been apart of my life since we were kids. That night when the particle accelerator exploded, I didn't expect you to get meta powers. Hell, I didn't think I'd become the Flash." he says. "Barry, if you have a point, please get to it." you say. "Right. Sorry. As soon as Wells found out about you, he wanted you to join. I was excited but, like I said, hesitant." he says.

"Barry, I can handle myself if that's why you were so hesitant." you say. "That's not why." he says. "Then why?" you ask. "This is why." he says. He then kisses you. You pull away and looked at him shocked. "Did I do something wrong?" he asks. "Of course not. I didn't think you liked me as well." you say. "Y/N, you are my Lightning Rod." he says.

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