Stoner Vibes//Argyle

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You just moved back to California after high school. You were so glad to be back home. You were excited to see your best friend, Argyle. In all honesty, you did develop a crush on him. You were in the middle of unpacking, when you heard a knock at the door. You run to open it and you see Argyle. "Oh my god. It has been years." you say. "Hey shorty. I almost did not recognize you. How have you been?" he ask. "I have been good. I am so glad to be back in California. What are you doing here anyways?" "Oh, I have been going around asking people if they want to come to my house for a small little party. "Oh I didn't know you threw parties." "This is more or less a smoker's circle."

You just giggle and take the flyer out of his hand. "I will be there." "Alright. I will see you tonight." he says leaving. You put the flyer down and go back to unpacking. A few hours later, you get ready for the "party" and you head out the door. Luckily, he only lived a couple of blocks away so you decided to just walk there. Once you arrived, you knocked at the door and Argyle answered. "Welcome to my humble abode, brochacho." he says. You giggle as you walk in. "So the party is this way." he says leading the way to the basement.

You guys get sat down and everyone is passing along a joint. It finally gets to you and you take a big hit off of it. "Wow. That was intense. I haven't smoked in a few years." you say blowing the smoke in Argyle's face.

Argyle's POV: You look at Y/N and she looks so pretty. She has changed so much since you have last seen her. "Hey! Argyle! Stop the staring, man." Y/N says. "Oh. I'm sorry. You just look so pretty tonight." you say. "Oh shut up. I am not pretty." "Yes. You most definitley are pretty. No. Wait. Gorgeous."

---Back to Y/N's POV---

You start to smile like an idiot as he says that. A few hours later, you are completly as high as a kite. "Hey, do you have anything to eat? I am starving." "You are just in luck. I have leftover Surfer Boy pizza in the fridge. I will get you a plate." he says getting up. Once he leaves, you start messing around with your necklace. You got so facinated by all the charms on there. You have never been this high before but you loved it.

A few minutes later, Argyle came back with the pizza. He handed you the plate and your eyes lite up. "Yum." you say devouring your first slice. "Whoa, brochacho. Slow down. I don't want you getting sick." "I'll be fine." you say starting on your second slice. Once all of the pizza was gone, you put the plate down and scooted closer to him.

"So there is something I have to tell you." "Me too. Why don't we say it at the same time." "Alright." you say. "I like you." you both say at the same time. "Wait! Really?" you ask shocked. "Yeah. I have actually liked you since middle school but you moved away Freshman year. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. "Of course." you say. Then all of a sudden, you feel his lips crash into yours.

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