Better Than An Award//Ian Somerhalder

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You were sitting there in the crowd. Your boyfriend, Ian, and your best friend, Nina, just won the People's Choice Award for favorite onscreen chemistry. You cheered for them as they went up to the stage.

"Good thing it's not awkward." Nina says, finishing up the speech. "Well wait there, Nina. I have one more thing to say." Ian says. "Better make it quick." she says. Ian then whispers something in her ear and says, "oh ok. I suppose I should go get her then." She leaves the stage and walks towards you. You look at her all confused. "What's going on?" you ask.

She drags you to the stage. Ian then grabs your hands and brings you in closer. He gets down on one knee in front of everyone. "Y/N, the day you made a guest appearance on The Vampire Diaries, I completely fell in love. We have been together for a couple years now. Will you make it last forever and marry me?" he asks. "Yes! A million times yes." you say.

He stands up, puts the ring on your finger and kisses you. Everyone started cheering for you and Ian. Once you guys get back to your seats, Paul, Candice, Kat and Nina all congratulated you.

(Sorry this one was really short)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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