Head Over Heels//Eddie Munson

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You are a new student at Hawkins High and you automatically caught the eyes of Eddie Munson. You are sat down in the cafeteria and he walks over. "My my my. What have we here?" he asks, smirking. "My name is Y/N. I'm new." you say. "I'm Eddie. Eddie Munson." he says, shaking your hand. He then takes a step back and looks at you up and down. "Oh you must pinch me. I do believe I'm dreaming. I've never seen someone as beautiful as you." he says. "Why thank you." you say, blushing. "You are absolutely welcome, gorgeous. Say, do you have any plans after school?" he asks. "I would say that I don't." you say. "Well in that case, meet me by my van after school." he says.

The final bell rings after school and you make your way towards the parking lot. It didn't honestly take long for you to spot Eddie. You could see him leaning up against his van, smoking a cigarette. You walk towards him and you greet him with a smile. "The angel has arrived." he says, blowing smoke towards you. "So where are you taking me?" you ask. "Well you have to trust me first." he says. "That's a bit concerning, Munson." you say. "It's not bad, I just need you to trust me." he says. "Fine. Alright. I trust you." you say. He puts out his cigarette and opens the door for you. Once you two get in, he drives off.

He keeps driving until y'all reach the woods. You start to regret trusting him. "You said I could trust you." you say. "And you can." he says letting you out of the van. You follow him all the way to a boat on the lake. He holds his hand out and says, "M'lady." You grab his hand and get in the boat. Once you sat down, he got in and grabbed the oars. "You brought me all this way to a lake?" you ask as he starts to row. "Well I thought it would be nice." he says.

Before you got any further, you noticed a sign. "Lover's Lake? How cheesy!" you say. "It's actually a very romantic place." he says. "How so?" you ask. "Well it's a great place to stargaze." he says. "Um Eddie? It's daytime. We are not gonna see any stars." you say. "Silly me. Well I guess the only stars I see are the ones in your eyes." he says. "Are you always like this?" you ask, blushing.

"Only with girls that I find absolutely gorgeous." he says. "That's so not true. You only made that up." you say, rolling your eyes. "Y/N, look at me. Like seriously look into my eyes." he says. You look into his eyes and he says, "you have me head over heels." He then gives you a kiss and you kiss him back. Did you seriously already fall for a guy you just met? Yes. Do you care? Absolutely not.

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