The Psychic//Billy Hargrove

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You are at the Starcourt mall. There is this big creature in the middle. El told you it was called the Mindflayer. You can see Billy carrying El to the monster. He puts her down and you can see that she said something to make him walk up to the monster. You get out of hidding and you can see Max bursting through a door. Suddenly, the monster's arm shoots out and Billy stops it. He couldn't stop it though. It takes another arm and kills him. "Billy!!!!" Max shouts.

You then wake up in a cold sweat. You couldn't breathe. Billy then woke up and he put his arms around you. "Hey. Y/N. You are ok. It was just a nightmare." he says rubbing your back. You then take control of your breathing but you start to cry. "Billy. What if it becomes real? You know I tend to dream of the future." "Baby. It is ok. There is nothing to worry about." he says kissing your forehead. Once you get calmed down, you lay back down and fall asleep. You wake up and you see that Billy wasn't there. You decide to get up and look for him. Once you leave the room, you see Max. "Hey. Have you seen your brother? I woke up and he wasn't there." "Yeah. He was actually going to surprise you with breakfast." she says. You walk into the kitchen and you see Billy making eggs. "Morning beautiful." he says with a smile.

Once you finish your breakfast, you head back to Billy's room and you get dressed. He then joins you and asks, "are you feeling better after your nightmare?" "A little. It just felt so real. I can't lose you." you say. "And you won't. I have to get ready for work. Do you wanna come with?" he says. "Don't I always?" you smile. You watch him as he puts on his swim trunks. You bite your lip a little. "Ok. Let's get going." he says.

------Time skips to where you are back at the mall------

You see Max running up to him. She is holding him. You run up to him as he looks up to Max. "I'm sorry." He then looks at you and says, "I love you baby." Before you could get anything out, he takes his last breathe. Max turns to you, hugs you and you both start to cry.

A few weeks after the funeral, you are sitting at his grave. "I miss you everyday. I think about you everyday. You are an idiot but I am proud of you. You sacrificed yourself to save El. That's what I love about you. I knew you had some good left in you." you say as you start to cry. You could then feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up and it's Billy. "Billy?!?!" you say a bit shocked. "I am always here with you. In your heart. I love you so much, baby doll." he says. "I will never forget you." you say. He then disappears and you hear your name being called. "Y/N. It's time to go. Mom sent me here to come get you. I know you miss him but you can come visit him tomorrow." Robin says. You get up and you bring your sister in for a hug. "It's going to be ok." she says. You let go and you head to the car where Steve was waiting for you and Robin.

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