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The ferry docked in Amsterdam. Me and Cierra looked out the window. It was pitch dark outside.

It was 10:05pm.

Me and Cierra still hadn't thought of an alibi. We just thought that the best plan would be to stay out of everybody's way.

We went to the bottom floor of the ferry where all the vehicles were and got onto the bus. We tried to blend in with the crowd.

Our hotel was in the centre of Amsterdam. We drove for about 30 minutes when we finally got to the hotel.

Holland was a very flat country so thankfully their was no bumps.

Everybody was tired. It had been a long day, for me especially.

The hotel looked brand new and it had many windows.

All I wanted to do was get to my room and go to bed, which seemed highly unlikely as our teacher wouldn't stop talking about the room situation.

The hotel has 6 floors. Each with 22 rooms.

My school all slept on the same floor, floor number 6.

The hotel thought it was the best idea to keep us as far away from the family and business rooms as possible.

Yes. Okay, we are a loud bunch but you don't need to treat us like your kidnapping us and constantly reminding us of how quiet we have to be.

One side of the hall was girls, the other guys.

Me and Cierra were in the top room of the girls side.

The popular kids stayed at the front of the hall.

Before we got into our rooms our teachers wanted to 'remind' us that boys must not go into the girls rooms and girls must not go into the boys rooms.

Obviously that rule would be broken, not by me of course because no boys like me. But I know for a fact it will be broken.

We got to our room and it was so clean and white. Very white. White walls, white bed sheet, white TV, white curtains, white bed and a white bathroom. It was bright inside the room because of that.

I just hopped my period wouldn't start. I mean, imagine that!

We dropped our stuff on the floor.

I opened my suitcase and changed into my pajamas.

I hopped into bed and told Cierra to shut the curtains and turn the light off.

A/N sorry this chapter was so short, I'm in English class and I only had 15 minutes to complete this. Thanks for reading this far!xoxo Amy.

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