Chapter 1

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My name's Bethany Curtis, Beth for short. I live in Tulsa Oklahoma with my three brothers Darrel, Sodapop and Ponyboy. Darry's 20, Ponboy's 14, and Soda and I are 16, but he's two minutes older than me and never let's me live it down.

Sodapop, Steve and I were all walking home from the DX since Steve's car got impounded for reckless driving last week. It was a warm summer evening, and the sun was just beginning to set. I knew Pony would find this to be just beautiful. As we walked, I became lost in though and before I knew it, we were standing in front of the house. As we walked in, I saw Two-Bit sitting in front of the tv watching Mickey Mouse and stuffing his face full of chips.

"Darry we're home!" Yelled Soda as we walked in.

"Hey Bethie. How was work today?" Asked Two-Bit.

"Thought I told ya not to stop calling me that Keith," I replied, walking to the room I share with Soda. I decided I'd better change outta my work clothes before the rest of the gang showed up. I walked back out into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Just then, Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally walked in.

"Didn't think ya was outta the cooler yet Dal," said Steve.

"Yea, got out for good behavior," Dally said smirking as he walked over and sat down beside me.

"Hey Beth, Johnny, Pony and I were gonna head to the movies tonight. You wanna come?" Asked Dally.

"Yeah sure. Got nothing better to do anyways," I replied. "Hey Darry, is it alright if Pony and I go to the movies with Dal and Johnnycake?" I asked him.

"Sure, so long as you're back by midnight," he replied.

"Well, looks like we can go. What movie are we gunna see?" I asked Dally.

"I don't know. We'll figure that out later," he replied.

After we ate, Pony, Johnny, Dally and I all headed off to the movies. Once we got to the drive-in, we slipped under the fence like we always do and went to get a good spot. We found us some nice seats and I asked Dally if he'd come with me to get us some cokes.

When we came back with the cokes, I noticed that there were two greasers sitting behind me that seemed to be trying to get my attention. One of the guys walked over a few minutes later and tried talking to me.

"Hey Beth, what're ya doing here with this loser?" He asked gesturing towards Dally.

"We're just here to watch a movie. Go away Curly," I replied, brushing them off.

"Oooh, feisty. I like that." He said grabbing hold of me.

"Get your hands off of her, Curly." Said Dally through clenched teeth.

"Oh yeah, what're ya gonna do about it, Winston?" Asked Curly, obviously getting pissed off.

"Just get lost Curly. I ain't gunna fight right now." Replied Dally, and he turned back to the movie. I was a little confused about what had just happened, and I decided I'd better ask Dally what was up.

"Hey Dally, what was all that about?" I asked.

"What was all what about?" He replied.

"You telling Curly to leave me alone. What's the deal?" I explained.

"Oh, nothing." He replied, turning his attention back to the movie. I guess I was just thinking to much. I'm sure it didn't mean anything.

On the way home, I walked back a bit talking to Pony about what had happened back at the drive-in.

"What was the deal with Dal getting all protective like? He's never done the before," I asked Pony.

"I don't know. Maybe ol' Dal's got a thing for ya," he replied laughing, and I couldn't help laughing with him.

"What're you two goofs laughing about back there?" Asked Dally quizzically.

"Oh nothing," replied Pony smoothly.

We finally got back home and it was about 11 o'clock, and I was starting to get tired. "Hey guys, I'm heading off to bed, catch ya later," I said and they all mumbled their goodnights. Once in my room, I got thinking about what Pony had said walking back from the drive-in. I knew he was just joking around, but I was starting to wondering maybe he was right. I mean yeah, Dally had stood up for me before, but never like the way he did tonight. I decided that I would talk to Soda about it in the morning, but as I drifted off to sleep, one question burned into my brain.

Did Dallas Winston like me?

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