Chapter 4

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As Dally and I walked up to the house, we let go of each others hands and walked in.

"Where's that milk Beth?" Asked Darry walking into the living room.

"Oh! I guess we forgot about it." I said, blushing a bit.

"That's alright, Pony and Johnny can bring some back on their way home from the movies later on." He said, looking from me to Dally,then back to me. I blushed and quickly went to my room. A few minutes later, I walked back out and found every eye on me. I stopped where I was, and looked around confused. Just as I was about to ask what was wrong, Soda jumped up.

"You're datin' Dally?!?" He asked, smiling real big. I looked over to Dally who was smiling too.

"Umm, yeah I guess. How'd you know?" I asked Soda. He looked down at my hand.

"I saw his ring on your finger,cans I asked ol' Dal here about it and he said yup." Soda explained. I walked over to Dally and smiled.

"You could've told me we were planning on telling the right away." I said teasingly.

"We'll I didn't know till Soda asked." He replied smiling at me. I stood up on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the cheek, then turned and gave Soda a big bear hug. Which ended with us on the ground laughing. All of a sudden, I heard someone scream. I don't think the others heard it, but I walked outside. I heard an even louder scream and took off running to the park.

When I got there, I saw four socs beating on Pony and Johnny. I ran over and jumped on top of two of them, and knocked them down. The other two came after me, but I managed to dodge them and get a good punch in. I tried to get over to Pony, but one of the socs grabbed me by the hair me pulled me down. I began kicking and screaming, but he got me pinned, and was starting to beat me. All of a sudden, he was pulled off me, and thrown to the side. Instead of him being there, I saw Darry. I tried to get up, but fainted.

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