Chapter 13

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I sat there, lost and confused, and kind of angry. My whole world came crashing down and I didn't know how to fix it. All around me there were the people I loved, everyong except Darry. He was the one I needed the most, but couldn't have. Everyone was trying to comfort me but nothing worked. I couldn't even hug Dallas back because I was so lost in my emotions. He tried everything to get my attention but it was useless. I had been consumed by the grief and it was getting worse. Even Soda and Pony were semi-normal. Sure, they were sad and crying, but they were still able to communicate unlike me.

"Hey, Bethie hunny. I think maybe we should go." Dally said really slowly and quietly. I looked up to him and slowly nodded. As we walked home, he kept talking to me to make sure I was okay, and eventually I started to feel better... until we walked into the house.

I stopped in the doorway and couldn't believe that Darry would never be coming home. I guess Dally saw my expression and grabbed by the hand and looked straight into my eyes as he said, "Everything is going to be alright baby. I promise I'll always be here for you because I love you and I care about you. I hate seeing you like this, and I'm going to try everything to make it better. You're my girl, and when you're upset like this, it hurts me. You'll be alrigh." I looked into his big brown eyes and saw the love and care that was behind his tuff mask. I slowly whispered "I love you too." Then we walked into the house.

Dally went in and sat on the sofa with a real sad look on his face, and I just couldn't stand seeing him like that. I walked over to him and sat down. He looked at me and a tear rolled down his cheek. Thats when I started to cry even harder. I made him look at me and I held both of his hands. "Dallas Winston, you are by far the best thing thats ever happened to me! You make me feel like I actually matter to someone for once! Seeing you cry and look helpless makes me feel like I'm dying inside. I love you so much Dal, and I'll never stop. You're my everything babe." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. He looked at me and smiled my favourite smile. Then he pulled me into his arms and kissed me like he'a never kissed me before. There was a passion like never before and there was definitely lust. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as we walked toward my room. We were stripped in no time, and we made love like never before. He made me forget today's happenings for a brief moment and experience happiness.

When we were done, we were breathless and the grief slowly overcame us as we dressed. I knew I was gonna start to cry again, but I tried to hold back. Dally looked so defeated and crushed, and to see him like that made me want to cry even more. Everything is just so sad and gloomy in this house without Darry here. I don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow, or the days to follow.

* * *

The gang walks in and see me sitting there in the middle of the floor surrounded by glass and blood. Soda runs over to me and sees that my hands and face are covered in blood and that I'm holding a shard of glass in my right hand and that its digging into my skin. Soda drops to his knees in front of me and pries the glass from my hand, throwing it aside.

"Dal! Come help me get her up!" Soda yells. Dally walks in from the porch, sees me, then runs to my side to help.

"What the hell happened?!" He says, looking around frantically.

"I don't know! I found her like this!" Soda screams, tears rolling down his face. They pick me up and carry me to my room and Soda has to leave. Dally stays behind to clean the blood off of my skin and clothes.

"What are ya doin' doll?" he asks softly, wiping blood from my face. I finally find my voice, but it's barely a whisper.

"I-I broke a vase, and I-I guess I cut myself." I say, tears forming in my eyes. He looks at me with that look that makes me melt and I'm lost in his eyes again.

"Please promise me you won't ever scare me like that again." He said, trying to be real stern. I nodded yes though because I don't want this to happen again. I'm scared enough as it is. "Alright, why don't ya get some sleep and I'll find ya something to eat." Dally says, kissing me on the top of the head and I fall asleep easily.

The next day, I decide to start planning a funeral for Darry. The whole gang is there helping, so we'll be done by tomorrow for sure. Pony and Johnny are out picking up some paper and stuff, steve's trying to decide which minister we should have, and Two-Bit and Soda are making phone calls. Dally and i are deciding that we'll have the funeral in 3 days, and we want to have it right here at the church. Soda, Pony, and I are gonna give a speech, of which I already had Pony write, and then we'll bury him beside Mom and Dad.

"Okay guys. How's everything coming along?

"Great, we've got almost everbody on the list coming." Replied Soda, with Two-Bit's agreement.

"Awesome! How about you Steve?" I asked.

"Great, I found us a guy." Steve replied, grinning.

"Okay! That's great news. So, Dal and I have decided to have the funeral in 3 days. So I want everything done." I said. Then I got back to work.


Three days later was the funeral. It was raining and gloomy an everybody was there. There were lots of tears and live shared and I was happy that my brother got a proper goodbye.

"Darry was the best brother I could ever ask for. He did everything for us after our parents died. He'd always do anything for us and he will be greatly missed." I said. Then they lowered him into the grave and that was the end. My brother was officially dead but he was peaceful.

Once the funeral was over, the gang came to the house and we sat there. I grabbed some beers and handed them out and sat down beside Dally. We talked about everything, and even shared a few laughs. Then everybody had to leave so it was just me a Dally. He wrapped his arm around me and held me close while we watched TV.

"How ya doing babe?" He asked during a commercial.

"I'm fine actually. I feel kinda happy that now he's peaceful." I said, hugging him tightly. He looked at me, smiled, and slowly leaned in to kiss me.

"I love you babe." Dally said as he pulled away.

"I love you too." I replied as I wrapped my arms around my neck giving him a hug.

A/N hey guys. I wasn't entirely sure about this chapter but I figured I needed to update. Comment/vote!

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