Chapter 17

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  • Dedicated to All of my readers!!

It's been nine months since I found out I was pregnant, and my baby was due any day now. Dally and I had decided that we didn't want to know whether it was a boy or a girl because we would love him/her no matter what. We'd been looking for a place, but we just couldn't afford anything yet. I mean, yes Dal has his apartment, but there is no way I'm taking my baby to live in that mess. So, until he cleans it up, we decided we'd be living with Sodapop and Ponyboy.

"Hey Bethie! How's it going?" Two-Bit asked as he came over to feel my belly.

"Oh, you know. Just dealing with all this extra weight." I replied with a laugh. Dallas walked over and kissed the top of my head.

"Hey Dal, how ya doing?" Steve asked as him and Johnny walked through the door.

"Hey man, just waiting for the little bastard to pop out." He said with a laugh and a caring look at my big belly.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" Johnny asked as he sat down beside me.

"I think it should be Two-Bit junior if it's a boy! And if it's a girl, it should be Keitha!" Two-Bit interjected before I could. We all laughed and I swatted him on the back of the head.

"No way! If its a boy, we've decided on either Darrel Nathan, or Tyler Sodapop. If it's a girl, we've decided on either Jaime May, or Daylie Elizabeth." I said, smiling up at Dallas. The gang nodded in approval and then everybody decided to focus on Mickey Mouse rather than me, thank god.

I decided I had better make some supper, so I took out some hamburger so I could make up some spaghetti and meat sauce. Just as I was taking a strainer out of the cupboard I realized a big puddle at my feet. Oh shit. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. There was a sharp pain and I let out a scream. Dallas came running in, followed closely by Soda and the gang.

"Beth! What's wrong?!" Dallas asked rather worried.

"My water just broke. I need to go to the hospital NOW!" I screamed as the contractions got worse.Everybody was freaking out and I was led to the truck and drove to the hospital while Pony kept telling me to breathe and breathe. It felt like forever before we got there and nurses were waiting with a wheelchair and they wheeled me into a room. The nurse came in and got me all ready.

"The doctor will be right with you." She said as she walked out. Dallas and Soda were the only ones in there with me and they looked far paler than I did. I let out another scream as the contractions continued to get worse.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THAT DOCTOR!!??" I screamed over the pain. Dally was freaking out and Soda was just sitting there like a rock. After what seemed like forever, the doctor came in. 



I can't believe it. I'm a father. Beth had her baby and now she's asleep, so I'm standing by the baby room and looking at my beautiful baby girl and boy. Yes, we ended up having twins, and man am I happy. She looks just like Beth and he looks just like me. I haven't decided on the names because I want Beth's opinion. I just can't believe they're mine.

I walked back to Beth's room and she was awake. The nurse followed me in, with both of our babies in her arms. She handed them to Beth and her face just lit up.

"Hey baby. What are we naming them?" I asked, kissing her forehead.

"I think she should be Daylie Elizabeth. And he looks like a Darrel, but not Darrel Nathan." She said, smiling.

"How about Darrel Sodapop?" I asked.

"That's perfect!" She replied, handing me little Darry and we just sat there, as a family.

My Family.

A/N Hey guys! what did you think of this chapter? I had a hard time with baby names, but thanks to my bestfriend we came up with these ones. I'm thinking of ending the book in four more chapters, so comment/ vote and let me know what you think! Love y'all!

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