Chapter 15

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"Dallas Winston you are not the father of this child. Congratulations." The doctor said then left. Dallas turned to me and gave me that look.

"Well...?" He said, raising his eyebrows.

"I uh, I'm sorry um i over reacted and screamed at you." I apologize, barely getting the words out.

"It's alright babe. I deserved it." He replied, pulling me in for a kiss of which I returned very quickly. We then walked out if the hospital leaving a shocked and angry Sylvia behind.

Once we got home, no one was there so we decided to have our own little moment. We walked to my room and were stripped in seconds. Dally trailed kisses all down my neck and shoulder while I knotted my fingers in his hair. Then things got a little steamier in that bedroom...


I woke up the next day and felt tired so I decided to just grab a drink and watch some tv. A few minutes later, Dally walked in followed closely by Soda who was just screaming at him.

"I can't believe you Dallas!" He yelled. Dally just walked over and sat on the couch beside me.

"Woah, Soda. What the hell is going on?" I asked. He finally tore his eyes from Dally and looked real upset.

"Did you and Dallas have sex last night?" He asked. I nodded slowly wondering why he needed to know this. "Well mr.badass here forgot about something really important." Soda said, fuming.

"What are you talking about Soda?" I asked, confused. He looked me in the eye and I could see how angry he was.

"Dallas 'forgot' to use a condom." He finally said. I looked at him blankly when it finally hit me, I turned to Dally and slapped him so hard that his face was instantly red. Then I got up and walked out of the house.

I walked to the lot and I was automatically sorry for hitting him. I should go back, but I don't know what to say. I mean I'm mad that he forgot, but I am on the pill so it should be fine... At least I think I remembered to take them. I searched my purse frantically when I found my pills. I looked at them and realized I had forgotten to take them over the last week! I dropped my purse and collapsed to the ground in a heap.



I can't believe I forgot the goddam condom! Of all people to do that to, it has to be Beth! She probably hates my guts right now and I wouldn't blame her. My face is still hurting from when she hit me, but I don't really notice 'cause I'm too busy looking for my baby. I've looked everywhere and I can't find her. I was just about to head back when I saw her lying in the park. I ran for her and she was asleep so I picked her up and carried her home. I noticed she was holding her birth control pills and I also noticed that she hadn't taken them this past week... Oh shit. I really hope she ain't pregnant 'cause I don't know what I'd do. There's no way I could ever be a father, I'd probably just fuck it up like I do everything else. Whatever. I'll just deal with it tomorrow I guess I thought as I laid down beside Beth.

A/N Sorry guys, I know it's short and took a long time to update but I've been having some trouble writing lately. Yes, I decided to add Dally's POV this time, and I probably will again. Comment/vote and let me know what you think!! <3

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