Chapter 11

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My knees gave out and Dally caught me just before I hit the floor. I sobbed and sobbed and there was nothing that he could do to help. I just cried and screamed and felt like everything was over.

"Babe? What can I do?" Dally asked over and over, sounding like he was in pain. I couldn't even answer him 'cause I was so upset. He eventually took me over to the chairs and went to talk to the doctors. He was gone for quite some time, and I was kinda wondering what he was up to. Just when I had finally decided to get up, dally and the doctors walked over.

"Beth? Honey, the doctors would like to speak with you. Alrigh?" He explained.

"O-okay." I stammered. Dally sat down beside me and grabbed my hand, holding it in between his

"Bethany, we've found a way that we could save your brother. We need to operate on his heart, because we believe that one of the ventricles may have corrupted. It's risky, but if you want it, we can do it." Said one of the doctors.

"O-okay, do it. Please." I said, almost crying again. I looked from Soda to Pony to Dally then back to Soda. I'm sure my expression showed how scared and nervous and utterly tired I was at the moment. I was so confused as to why something like this would happen to Darry, it just didn't make sense.

"Beth, I think we should go back to the house for a little while they operate on Darry here, alrigh?" Dally said, real calm and careful like. I looked up into his eyes and realized that he looked just about as scared as I felt right then.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea... Pony? Soda? you comin?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Nahh, you two go on ahead, we'll wait here and keep ya updated." Soda said as he settled into one of the waiting room chairs. I nodded and slowly stood up as Dally held onto me. We walked towards the door and out into the street and Dally drove us home in Buck's car.

As we walked through the door of the house, I was slammed with grief. I cried out and screamed and was done completely. I didn't know what I was going to do! Darry was basically everything to me, he did everything, taught me everything, and he was always there! I collapsed to the ground and curled into a ball crying and crying. Poor Dally looked so confused and scared at what was going on. I wanted to tell him I was fine, but I wasn't even close to fine.

"What can I do?! I don't know what to do!" Dally screamed out as he crumpled to the floor beside me. I wanted so bad to comfort him, but I was done. There was nothing I could do at all.

i'm not sure how long I was on the floor, but when I got up, I felt stiff as a board. I walked into the kitchen and Dally was surrounded by beer bottles and passed out right on the table. I came over to him and woke up and he seemed kinda confused but figured out who I was. He stood up and hugged me for what seemed like forever. And I was good to just stand there forever if possible. Finally I heard the phone ring and practically ran for it.

"Hullo?" I said right away.

"Beth? You need to get here fast, something's gone wrong." Soda said just before I dropped the phone and ran out the door.

A/N Sorry this chapter took so long, I had some issues with writing. Hope you like it and feel free to comment/ vote!!!

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