Chapter 14

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I woke up screaming and clutching the sheets. Tears were streaming down my face and my breath was coming out in short pants. Dally sat up and frantically tried to comfort me.

"Beth! Beth what's wrong!?" He asked, fearfully.

"N-nothing. It's just a dr-dream." I managed to explain through breaths.

"Was it about Darry?" He asked softly. I nodded my head and he wrapped his arms around me. "It'll get better babe. I promise." He said as we laid back down, my head resting on his bare chest.

The next morning was weird. There was no Darry here to make breakfast for the gang, Pony wasn't still asleep in his room, and Soda was nowhere to be found. I walked into the living room and everybody except Pony and Soda were there.

"Where's Soda and Pony?" I asked.

"I think they went to the park." Johnnycake answered while Steve and Two-Bit agreed. I nodded and walked out the door but as I opened it I ran smack into Sylvia.

"What do you want you whore?" I said coldly.

"I need to speak to Dallas." She said in her annoying little voice.

"Oh yeah? About what?" I asked, starting to get pissed off. She looked at me and smiled.

"I'm pregnant and Dallas is the father." She said with a smirk. That was it. I turned and walked inside

"Where the hell is Dallas?!" I yelled. He came walking out of the bathroom with just a towel on. "Wanna explain what the fuck this shit is about?" I said, gesturing to Sylvia.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"She says she's pregnant and you're the father." I say, the anger building up.

"I never knocked the whore up!" He yelled. I looked over at Sylvia and she was still smirking.

"How about we go and find out?" I suggest before Dally or I explode. They both nod and off we go. Once we get to the hospital, we wait and Dally finally goes in after and hour and a half of waiting. He's gone for 20 minutes then he comes back and they take Sylvia in.

"Beth. I swear I haven't cheated on you." Dally said after a few minutes of awkward silence. I looked at him and gave him a look that said shut up. "Baby you know I love you, why don't you believe me?" He asked.

"Maybe because you have cheated on me before!" I exploded. "After all, it was only a matter of time before your sleeping around cane back to bite you in the ass! You inconsiderate son of a bitch! Did it never occur to you that something like this could happen and ruin everything!? Obviously you're to stupid to figure it out!" I screamed.

"Are you through yet?" He asked after a bit. I was about to say something when the doctor came out. I stood up and Dally followed. The doctor walked over to us and nodded hello.

"Dallas Winston. You are...."

A/N I know it's not very long and I ended it on a cliffhanger, but please let me know what you think and feel free to give me suggestions on what should happen next. Remember to comment/vote!!!!

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