Chapter 8

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I watched him as he walked away and I automatically thought that he was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I was just so mesmerized by him that I forgot all about what he was doing, until he walked into my yard. I snapped out of it and ran after him. I burst through the door and Dally and Soda were lying on the floor laughing.

"What's going on here!?" I asked. Dally stood up and walked over to me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"I told you I would fix it, and I did." He said before leaning in to give me a slow and gentle kiss. Which I of course returned right away. We pulled away, and I looked into his eyes and saw my whole future right in front of me. He was just so perfect.

"Beth, I'm sorry. I shouldn't a yelled at ya. I just, I was tired of Dal's shit I guess." Soda said as he pulled me into a big bear hug. Then everybody else decided to hug me too, and then everything was all good between me and the gang again.

We were all sitting around watching a scary movie on tv and just hanging out. Dally had his arm wrapped around me and I had my head on his shoulder, where it belonged. I was holding on to Dally's shirt because I was truly scared by the movie. I don't think he really noticed me pulling at it, but he probably did. There was this really sad part, and I guess I started to cry because Dally hugged me tighter and pulled me even closer to him. All of a sudden the power went out and I screamed.

"Woah, you okay there Bethie?" Asked Two-Bit.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I explained, trying to get my heartbeat normal again.

"Are you scared of the dark?" Dally said almost laughing. I elbowed him in the ribs and pulled away. "Awe c'mon, you know I was jokin around." He explained. I sighed and crawled back to sit beside him.

"Darry, do we have any flashlights or candles laying around?" I asked.

"We sure do. I'm just going to find them." He said, walking in the direction of the kitchen. We all sat there in silence until he got back and lit the candles. Then we started to talk about our lives and how our day was, and pretty much anything else. I knew I had a big smile on my face the whole time because I've never been so happy before. I had the guy of my dreams, an amazing family, and there were no Socs around to ruin it. But I was wrong.

There was a lot of honking and yelling outside and Darry, Steve, Soda and Dally went to check it out. I went after them, and there were three cars full of Socs wanting to fight. I went and stood beside Dally and the one and only Sylvia hopped outta the car.

"Well, well, well. Looks like Dal went crawling back to his rebound girl." She said with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah? At least 'rebound girl' has style, smarts, muscle and the guy you obviously want so bad." I replied as Dally wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Well, we'll see who's better." Sylvia replied turning to Bob. He took one look at me and Dally and went ballistic. He came running towards us and Dally pushed me behind him. Dally pulled his blade out and so did Bob. Then they started screaming and fighting and then I heard Johnny and Pony scream. I turned and saw Darry fall to his knees clutching at his stomach. Blood staining his white T-shirt.

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