10 ourselves

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Next day when jk woke up he saw tae already standing in front of the mirror dying his hair. The boy didn't notice him as his all attention to the mirror. Jk climb up from the bed  and made a very mild sound by his foot and tae immediately turn around and when he saw jk standing beside the bed he got up "good morning alpha" he bowed at him. Jk rose his eyes "you could just said that in your previous position, you are too much formal. I think we should respect each other but let's just do not do it in formal way it's very awkward to me afterall we are mates, what do you think?" He said in morning voice but still very gentle, while walked inside the bathroom. Didn't skip the confused face of the omega. Tae again started to check himself in mirror today is little different, cause he is going out of the mansion for the first time.
He entered in the closet hurriedly dressed himself, he heard a knock sound on the closet door, he don't have to ask who is it "yes alpha I'm done you can come in". Jk entered in the closet raised his eyes seeing a dolled up taehyung, tae observed jk's reaction, got little panicked in his mind "you are taking me with you right?" He carefully ask. A little smile curved on jk's lips "of course I remember" the answer made tae happy "thank you" with that he leave from there trying not to smile.

When the couple came into the dining area tae's eyes automatically went for the luna "where is luna?" He ask one of the maid. "She is busy with some work" the maid answer and tae didn't ask any further. Today taehyung can eat his food with little peace.

The couple walking through the street, beautiful flowers blooming booth side of the road, the alpha walking with a blank face where the omega observing the beautiful surroundings with a happy smile, he always felt suffocating within the four walls but now he is feeling refresh. The passers-by were a little surprised to see their head alpha like this for the first time, but this is not unexpected that alpha walking with his mate and their future luna. They smile little and bow at them and the newlyweds bow back.

Suddenly tae's smile faded cause the beautiful road trip finished and they are entering in a big house. Two guards open the big door and jk entered tae followed him behind. "This is my office and here is the books you can choose whatever you want" the alpha said and straight went to his chair, sat there and started to cheking some files. Tae unknowingly pout at the alpha he just entered, he should give him some time to stare at the beautiful interior but no already ordered to check the books *he must be want me to leave from here as soon as possible* and suddenly tae's eyes became teary, he turn around and went to the bookshelf.

It was a very big shelf with lots of books, tae cheaked every row taking some time to choose the book. Jk moved his eyes from the file when he didn't hear any sound, he saw how the boy concentrately cheking the books. He unknowingly stare at tae who knows a little male omega would come in his office as his mate. Little smile and sigh on his lips.
               life is mistirious ....

Jk got up from the chair thinking to help the boy "tell me what kind of book you want I'll help you" he asked making tae turn to him and tae's eyes became again teary and jk noticed it "hey what happened why are you crying?" He quickly walked to him. Tae whipped his eyes "pls alpha let me stay here little more time I'll not disturb you I don't like there alone" his shakey voice make other confuse "when did I told you to leave?" Jk ask this time tae looked at him with teary eyes "sorry but you are saying to choose fast and leave" almost complain. Jk face palm in his mind he should be careful with his words, should remember taehyung is a male omega and very sensitive, it's really hard cause the alpha knows nothing about the boy. "First of all I didn't told you to leave I just wanted to help you and secondly you can stay here as long as you want or you can go outside roam around but of course with someone" and his last sentence make the boy go crazy but the extreme happiness he didn't show up "can I go outside?" He ask just for confirmation. Jk nodded his head "but a guard will be there with you" tae's happy face now became pale one, with a unknown alpha he don't want to go anywhere. Jk observe his face, nowadays he understood little when the boy doesn't like something "okey how about seokjin hyung you know him right?" Again tae's face lite up "I'll go with jin hyung" jk nodded his head "okay I'll call him and ask him to come here" jk went to the table and grabbed his phone but tae stop him "alpha call him little later I want to choose a book first then I'll go" he said in a low voice. Jk put the phone on the table and again sat on his chair "let me know when you want to go" again both got busy with their work jk with the file and tae with choosing books.

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