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Quinn's POV

I walked into the open door Puck was holding for me and walked to the desk. "Hello. Um, Quinn Fabray." I said softly with a smile to the lady. "Oh, yes. I just need you to fill out some information and then the doctor will be with you soon." I smiled and took the clipboard, sitting next to Puck. "Um... insurance... non applicable." I mumbled and chewed on my lip. "What? Why?" Puck asked concerned. "Because having my insurance card means asking my parents for it. And asking my parents for it..." I trailed off.

"...means telling them you're pregnant and you haven't done that and you are holding off for as long as possible." I nodded. "Exactly." I nodded and sucked air through my teeth. I finished filling everything out and took it back up to the receptionist. "Here you go." I smiled, handing the clipboard back. I sat by Puck and smiled when he held my hand. "Quinn Fabray?" A nurse called and I stood up, Puck standing right after. "Follow me, please."

We walked into the exam room and the nurse took my blood before saying the doctor would join us. A young blonde woman, maybe 30, probably not even, pushed open the door as she knocked on it. "Hello! I'm Doctor Alies. And you must be... Quinn?" I nodded as I crossed and uncrossed my ankles repeatedly. "And you're?" She looked at Puck. "Noah. Quinn's boyfriend." He nodded as he shook her head. Sometimes I forget he uses Noah around strangers. "And the baby's father." I smiled as I nodded at her.

She nodded before asking me to lay back. "Now. This gel will be a bit chilly but only for a second and then I'll use this wand to perform the ultrasound." I nodded and pulled my top up, Puck noticing I wasn't wearing my Cheerios uniform. "No uniform?" I shook my head at him. "Nope." He nodded and held my hand. "And it does look like you're right at about 8 weeks, so 2 months. Is that lined up right with what you thought?" I nodded, remembering the exact night.

"Okay, so that little blob is your baby." Puck and I looked at where her dark blue nail pointed on the little screen. "It looks like a little fish." I chuckled and shushed Puck. "Now, do you two want any of the film today?" I nodded and counted on my fingers, looking at Puck. "You, me, Santana will want one. Um, what about your mom and Sarah?" I asked and he nodded.

"Your parents?" I shook my head. "I don't think so. So, I think only 5, please. I'll give Sarah her own depending on how she and your mom react." Puck nodded and kissed my cheek as she printed out the pictures. "Alright. I want to see you back in one month. When you're 12 weeks. You can make an appointment at the front desk." I nodded and thanked her as she wiped the gel off my stomach before she walked out.

Next Day

I pulled Santana into the astronomy classroom. Why we all come in here to talk and stuff, I don't know. "I have something to show you." I dug in my backpack and pulled out the ultrasound. "Oh my gosh." She took the black and white film in her hands. "Is that..." I nodded. "Yeah. That's my baby!" I smiled widely. That was the first time I'd said my baby. "Omg!" She squealed and hugged me. "Wait... why are you in jeans?" She asked after we pulled away.

"I'm quitting the Cheerios." Santana raised an eyebrow. "That's social suicide!" I shrugged and tapped the ultrasound picture a couple times. "I think that was already caused by this." She sighed. "So all you'll have is Glee? Really, Quinn?" I frowned and shrugged. "I... I know, Santana, but..." She hugged me again. "I'm here for you. But Sue is gonna burn you alive." I shrugged.

I walked into Sue's office, knocking on the doorframe. "Ah, Q! Come in." I walked in with my hands behind my back. "I'm quitting. The Cheerios." She set her pen down. "Excuse me?" I swallowed and looked at her. "I'm quitting the Cheerios." I said again.

"Because you're knocked up by someone who will be in jail or dead in the next 5 years and he'll drag you with him. He's a worthless Lima Loser delinquintent. Your bastard illegitimate child I'm sure will be as screwed up as its sperm donor. Because that's what he will equivalent to. You know it. And I know it."

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