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2 weeks after the girls told everyone

I was braiding my hair after my shower while Puck was playing his electric guitar somewhat quietly. As quiet as you can play a guitar. "PUCK. SHUT UP." Sarah yelled from upstairs and started banging on her floor and Puck's "ceiling" with a broom handle. "You might cover your ears, Q." I chuckled and went in his bathroom, shutting the door as he turned his amp all the way up and played a loud riff up towards Sarah's room. I heard angry feet as I walked back out.

"PUCK! I'M TELLING MOM WHEN SHE GETS HOME!" Sarah screamed from the top of the stairs. "OH, I'M TERRIFIED. TELL MOM THEN!" He yelled back as she shrieked and stomped back to her room. He laughed and unplugged his guitar from his amp, putting it all away. "You're so mean." I laughed. "She was so sweet until she turned like 10! Ever since then, she's been DEMON POSSESSED!" He screamed towards the stairs at his 13 year old sister as I sat on his bed.

"So... I wanted to talk to you about something." He hummed as he walked into the bathroom, leaving the door open and getting his toothbrush. "I was... kinda thinking... Iwanttokeepthebaby." I rushed out and Puck choked on his toothpaste. "Excuse me?!" He spit his toothpaste out. "I want to keep the baby."

His face grew into a smile. "What?" I asked, a little freaked. "I do too! I was just trying to find a way to bring it up to you!" I smiled as he came and laid on his stomach on the bed in front of my body. "So..." He put his chin on my knee. "We doing this?" I nodded. "Yeah. We're doing this." He smiled and leaned up, kissing me.

Next Week

Puck and I were having a gender reveal this Saturday but first we had to do a stupid mattress commercial that RaChEl signed us up for. Selfish brat. Nobody else needs any fodder to hate us. Everyone at school already does. Their parents don't need to also.

They gave us matching pajamas and we were just going to read a script. But Little Miss Star has the great idea of us performing. Oh my God. "We can do Jump by Van Halen!" Finn said and we all agreed. "Baby girl. Be careful." Puck hissed as I got on the mattress stack. "I know, honey. I got it." I smiled as he held my leg. We performed and then left.

That night
3rd Person POV

Puck was finding a movie to watch while Quinn got them ice cream when there was knocking on the door. "I'll get it!" Puck yelled out to his girlfriend. Santana stood at the door sobbing so hard she was shaking. "Santana! What on Earth? Come in, come in." He ushered her in out of the rain. "Quinn!" The blonde came around the corner and saw her best friend's tear streaked face. "Santana, what the hell?" She rushed her in a hug. "Finn broke up with meeee!" The Latina sobbed into her friend's shoulder.

Quinn's POV

"Finn broke up with meeee!" Santana sobbed as I hugged her. "Oh, honey. Come sit. Shhh. Tell me all about it. It's okay." I led her to the couch and we sat down as she cried on me. I half noticed Puck leave out of the corner of my eye, but I wasn't really paying attention to him. I got tissues off the dining room credenza, half wall thing.

Puck's POV

Santana said Finn broke up with her and I just got so angry. Santana has a special place in my heart. Not like that. We were childhood best friends. And we dated in like first grade. And yeah, we took each other's virginities but we weren't even anything when that happened. We both just wanted to do it with someone we trusted and at the time, it was only each other... in every thing of trust. We'd both been so hurt by our parents and had walls up, and... I just...

I'm gonna kick Finn's ass. I swear to God, I'm gonna kick his ass. I got to his house and pounded on the door, knowing his mom was on a business trip. "FINN!" I screamed and pounded harder. "OPEN YOUR DOOR." He swung open the door and I pushed him in the house. I tackled him and started punching him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He yelled while trying to push me off. "Why the hell would you dump her?" He wiped his lip. "We had a fight." He huffed as we stood up.

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