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Rachel hadn't talked for like a week. It was hella weird. But literally... thank goodness. We all needed a break. She's on "vocal rest before Regionals," as she was "telling" everyone with her note pad and marker. In fact, she started this when she was trying to blow us all away with yet another solo and her voice was horrendous... I think something's wrong with her. I groaned as I shifted the way I was sitting in the choir room.

"Quinn, you okay?" Kurt asked from next to me. "I have a tiny foot in between 2 of my ribs. How do you think I'm doing?" I growled and quickly frowned. "I'm sorry, Kurt. She's just getting really uncomfortable which is making me uncomfortable and I'm cranky." He shook his head with a smile. "It's alright."

Finn and Santana walked in the choir room hand in hand and Rachel rolled her eyes, sticking her finger in her mouth and making a gagging motion. "Funny! That's the same thing I do when I see you!" Santana said with a sarcastic smile. "Babe..." Finn whispered and ushered her to the second row.

"Rachel! How's the voice?" Mr. Schuester clapped once as he walked in the room. She shook her head, snapping the lid off her marker and furiously writing. "VOCAL REST IN FULL EFFECT. ASK JESSE."

She underlined the writing twice before she jabbed the marker into her boy toy's side. Jesse St. James... FROM VOCAL ADRENALINE... nodded. HELLO?! WHAT IS SHE DOING? HE'S PROBABLY A SPY. Also HE'S a SENIOR and SHE'S a SOPHOMORE. It's icky!! "I get texts. Even if I'm next to her. I really think she's got laryngitis..."

Just then his phone dinged. He groaned and read out loud. "I do not! Oh, I'm sorry. Hold on. It's in all caps. Ahem. I. DO. NOTTTT! I am simply making my voice the best it can be so I can have a solo, be the gold star of this glee club, and win." He finished and clicked his phone off, flipping it once and putting it back on his lap.

"Like I was saying," he stopped and took her phone out of one hand and the marker out of the other, causing her to pout and cross her arms. "... I think it isn't just vocal rest. I think it's laryngitis, but she won't go to the doctor. Someone who could give her antibiotics and help her!"

He pointed the sentence to her and she rolled her eyes, putting her palm up towards his face. "If someone else would like to try to reason with her, please be my guest." Jesse said as he gestured to the girl next to him before crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. "Okay... well..." Mr. Schuester moved on.

Next day

I was walking through the hall and I saw Finn pull Rachel into a classroom. I speed walked over there and leaned against the doorframe, making sure they couldn't see me. "Rachel. Come on. Go to a doctor. Jesse is right. As much as I hate admitting that. But they can put you on antibiotics. And if it isn't laryngitis, then it isn't. But this..." I heard paper rustle. "...is insane! I mean, come on! You're our leader in there!" I rolled my eyes. That's a stretch... and why are YOU the one talking to her, Finn? Literally anyone else could have. I huffed and walked away.

Puck came up next to me and was upset. I raised an eyebrow. "Finn was in the shower in the locker room and he was singing Jessie's Girl." I shrugged. "Um... okay?" His hands hit his thighs. "Q. Come on!" I shrugged as we walked. "It's a popular song, Noah." He shook his head. "I've never heard him sing it or act like he like it before Rachel told him she was interested in Jesse and then they started dating. I've heard him sing it like 5 times since then."

I frowned. "Well, don't tell Santana unless you really think there's a definite need to... She'll flip her shit." He nodded. "I know that." I sighed as we stopped in front of my class. "I'll see you later. I love you." He leaned over and kissed my cheek as I kissed his. "Love you back." I smiled and watched him walk down the hall before I went into class. That afternoon in Glee, Santana sang "It's a Man's Man's Man's World." She and Finn must be... fighting? She's stressed? I don't know.

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