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Quinn's POV

Finn sat on the bed with his head in his hands and Rachel stood across from Santana. All of a sudden, she just lost it. She went to go at Rachel but Sam grabbed her waist. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Santana! Hold on!"

Mike pulled on one of Santana's arms and I pushed her shoulder. "Eschucha! Soy de Lima Heights Ajacent y estoy orgulloso. Sabes lo que pasa en Lima Heights Ajacent??? COSAS MALAS!!!! (Listen! I'm from Lima Heights Ajacent and I'm proud! Do you know what happens in Lima Heights Ajacent?!? BAD THINGS!)"

Rachel looked at her shoes as Santana scoffed. She began to start crying, putting her hand on her chest. I cleared my throat and crossed my arms, avoiding eye contact with both of them. "Finn. I think you and Rachel need to leave." Rachel scoffed as I pushed my bangs out of my face. "I'm serious. Go. Bye." I nodded towards the door where Puck was standing holding it open.

Finn sighed and pulled on Rachel's hand, leading her out of the room. Puck swung the door shut, slamming it. Santana shrieked as she took one of her heels off and chunked it at the door, it flying past Puck's head. "Jesus, San!" He barely dodged it as it got lodged in the wood of the door. Mercedes and Kurt looked at her slack jawed.

"We're just gonna..." Tina stopped talking before her and Mike left, Mercedes and Kurt following. "Sam. Go." Brittany said to her brother. "Come with me." He nodded toward the door and she shook her head. "No. I should... be with Santana." She sat on the bed locking her fingers and putting her hands in her lap. He sighed and nodded, walking out. Santana was sitting in the floor, her knees to her chest and crying, rocking back and forth.

"Okay, sweetie. Shh. Shh." I cleared my throat as I sat next to her. Puck wriggled her heel out of the door. "That's gonna cost us... damn! Schue ain't gonna be happy." He whispered as his thumb ran over the hole in the door. I rubbed her back as I glared up at him.

"Zip it." I mouthed and he frowned as he looked at Santana. "I hate him. I hate her. I hate them both!" She cried harder and I sighed. "Like, what... the... hell?" She cried and gasped between each word. I shifted from crouching to fully sitting on the floor and pulling her into a hug. "They're so selfish! Both of them!" She cried into my shoulder.

Next Day

We all packed our stuff and went to the airport. It was silent on the way there, waiting for our flight, and on the way home... nobody wanted to set Santana off... and nobody wanted to acknowledge Rachel even still existed. We got off our flight and got our luggage. "Santana. Let us give you a ride home." I called out and she tiredly nodded.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked as we trailed behind Puck. She shook her head and pulled her phone out. I glanced over and happened to see her homescreen... oh my God... it's Ben... it's Ben at Christmas. Do I bring it up? No. She didn't tell me for a reason. But wait... why wouldn't she? We tell each other everything...

2 days later

Finn's POV

I sat in the floor of the library against one of the shelves. I was hiding. I didn't wanna see anyone. They all hated me. We forfeited out of Nationals last year because we all got the flu and were miserable. We lost this year because I couldn't wait to kiss Rachel for five more minutes... I sighed and shook my head. "What are you doing?" I looked up and saw Rachel. "Hiding." I admitted wholeheartedly. "Why?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the shelf as I shrugged. "Everyone hates me. You especially."

She cleared her throat and came to sit next to me. "Well... I don't hate you, Finn." I nodded. "Yeah, you do. You asked for us to take a break during Regionals and Nationals so we could focus. And I couldn't listen to that. You're the biggest stage star of us all. And I cost you that." She bit on her lip. "Finn... why did you kiss me on stage?" I looked at her confused. "What?" She shook her head. "No, no, no, no. That came out wrong. Um... what were you feeling in that moment?"

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