Chapter 4

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"What? You can't leave readers hanging like that!" The young man groans. "I need to know what is going to happen between Tyler and Troye! I need the writer to continue! If I only knew who this girl was I would send her a message directly telling her to continue! Of course I wouldn't tell her my name. She would be weirded out by that. It's been almost a week since she updated last time! Why couldn't this story be true?" He huffs. "It could turn out to be perfect. And oh my gosh if Hartbig actually would be canon! I would freak out of happiness! Am I talking to myself again? Well someone I don't remember once said that it helps you clear your thoughts."

A younger man walks in. It's his roommate who had heard the whole conversation the older man had with himself but he isn't planning on telling his roommate that he overheard.

"Is everything alright?" He asks instead. The older man jumps and quickly switches his computer off hoping that the younger man didn't hear him.

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"You seem a bit off. Actually, you have seemed a bit off these last two days. Is there something bothering you?"

"No." The older one tries to lie.

"I know you and I know you just lied to me. Why? You have never lied to me before." The younger man looks a bit dissapointed.

"I don't know. It's something quite personal actually. I wouldn't like to talk about it." The younger man raises his eyebrows.

"Can I help in some way?"

"I'm afraid not if you can't help me find this one girl I've been searching for." The younger man looks a bit sad.

"I'm afraid I can't help you if you can't tell me more about her."

"Well that's the thing. I found her on a webbsite and what's written there is all I know about her."

"Can I see it?" The younger man asks.

"No!" The older man says a bit too quickly. "Sorry, I mean not now. I want to get my mind of her right now."

"Okay. Well, you know where I am. Come to my room if there is anything you need help with or want to talk about." The younger man stands up to walk to his own room. He turns around when he remembers one important thing. "Oh! One thing, if you come to my room, please knock first. Thanks." The younger man walks out of the older ones room and to his own room. The older man looks confused but shrugs it off.

The younger man sits down at his desk after he closed his door and turns on his laptop.

"Allright, I should continue on my story so the readers won't get too crazy waiting for me to continue. But first I need to get to the mood of Lara." With that the younger boy opens Wattpad and continues to write on his story. In the end of the chapter he writes a short author's note that goes like this:

Hey you guys! Thanks for reading my story and I hope you've liked it and I hope you comment and vote. Also I'd like to know something about my readers. For example looks?


He wrote the last part because he wants to know under which name his roommate hids. Then he turns off his laptop and decides to go to bed.

1. Sorry that this chapter is so late and short. I just didn't know what to write next a.k.a. I had writer's block. Which sucks..
2. To clear some confusion that might occure in the future: if the author's note is not in bold it is a part of the story but if it's in bold (like now) then it's not part of the story.
3. The updates about the earlier chapters are just a few corrections I made quickly.

Thanks for reading and please vote and comment if you like.

~ Stella

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