Chapter 9

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"Fine well I met him a few years ago." Joe starts with a defeated sigh but with a small smile playing on his lips.

Joe's POV (flashback starts)

It's a warm day and I'm walking to town to meet my sister. She said she wanted me to meet some boy who needed an apartment and since I need a roommate he could be perfect. I'm listening to music through my headphones as I walk through the park towards the café where we were meant to meet.

A good song comes on and I can't resist to dance a few steps forward on the path. I hear someone chuckle and immediately stop in my tracks. I turn around and see a tall blond boy walking towards me.

"You seem like a fun person." He smiles and adorable smile and I feel like I'm going to melt. "Hi, I'm Caspar. With an 'a'." I smile back at him.

"Hi, I'm Joe. So you're name is like the ghost?" I ask trying to make a joke. He laughs and it rings through my ears and I never want it to stop. I can't take my eyes away from his face.

"Sooo where are you going?" Caspar asks after a small while and his cheeks seem a bit redder. I feel my own cheeks blush and I look down trying to hide it. "Aww you look cute when you blush." I'm pretty sure I look like a tomato now.

"I'm going to meet my sister and some guy who maybe could be my future roommate." I answer his question trying to ignore my red cheeks. Without really noticing we've started walking again.

"Wait, are you Zoë Suggs brother?" Caspar turns to me with a happy expression playing on his face.

"Umm yeah. How do you know my sister?" I look questioningly at him.

"She's my really good friend and she said her brother needed a roommate and now I'm going to meet him and Zoë!"

"So you're the one she thought to be my roommate! What a funny coincidence."

We continued walking and talking and when we come to the café I know already much about him. We have much in common and he seemes extremely nice. He even opens the door for me when we come to the café. First thing I spot my sister sitting at a corner table reading a book.

We order first and then we go to sit down with her.

"Hi Zoë! How are you?" I say as I hug my sister.

"I'm great, how are you? Are you feeling better?" She sits down and I sit down next to her. Caspar sits across from me. He looks at me questiongly.

"Yeah, I'm not coughing anymore and there has been no signs of the fever in a few days. I was a bit sick earlier this week." I turn back to my sister. "So I guess Caspar here" I motion towards the blond boy sitting in front of me "is the boy you thought to be my roommate?" Zoë looks at Caspar and she looks like he's a complete stranger.

"Him? I've never seen him before." Her tone is so innocent that I almost believe her.

"Wait really? But he said that you two are friends!" I'm confused, what's happenig is this a prank?

"Just kidding. Of course I know him. And yes he is your future roommate I guess." She smiles.

(Flashback ends)

"We talked a lot and had a really fun time. He became my roommate and before I knew it he was my best friend. We became really close and I found myself falling for him. I was scared to say anything to him but then one time when we were out partying with our friends I drank a bit too much and kissed him. The next day he asked me about it and he ended up telling me about his feelings. He told me he liked me from the first day he met me. And I told him about my feelings too. There was a lot of crying and it was really emotionall somehow but it all ended well." I look up when I stop talking. Some of the girls have tears in their eyes.

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!" Hannah says wiping her eyes.

"How dare you have not told anyone sooner?!" Niomi almost shouts.

"Well actually Zoë and Alfie knew." I smile and look down at my hands again. The conversation continues but all I can think of is my lovely boyfriend.

When I walk home I think of how lucky I am to have such awesome friends. They took it really well and are very supportive. Even though Caspar and I have been together already a few years before telling our friends.

As I open the door a smell of pancakes hits my face and I can hear soft music playing somewhere in another room.

"Heeeyyy honey!" Caspar runs to me as I shut the door behind me. "Sooo I learned to make pancakes and decided to try it out. And I did it! Nothing is burnt and they look pretty good too. Wanna come and taste?" He looks like a small child who just has gotten his favourite toy. His face is bright and happy and I can't resist the urge to kiss him.

"Let's see how you did then shall we?" I grab his hand and walk to the kitchen where candles are lit all around and he has made the sweetest pancakes shaped as different letters.

"Stand right there and don't do anything. Just listen to me now ok?" Caspar asks and walks to the counter and starts to change the places of the plates and pancakes. "So we've been together now for a few years and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. We've had hard times but we've always managed to get through them helping each other. You're my best friend and boy friend and I love you more than anything but I'd like, or actually need, one of those three to change." He stops talking and steps away from the counter so that I can see the pancakes again. I start crying immediately and cover my face in my hands. I never expected this.


Sorry for leaving it on a cliffhanger but comment what you think happens next. :D

Oh my gosh! This story has got 500+ reads and I haven't noticed anything! I remember when it had only about 50 reads. I am incredibly grateful and can't thank you enough! The fact that you have actually read this story even though it's a bit odd and maybe hard to understand is mind blowing and I'm just so happy! :D You all are awesome applepies for bearing with me all this time even though it's over half a year since I last updated.

Thanks for reading and please vote and/or comment what you think or if you have any ideas how this should continue.

~ Stella

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