Chapter 14

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It's my birthday and none of my friends have even texted me happy birthday. This really hasn't been my day.

I woke up late and my younger roommate had already gone to work. I was of course late to work and my boss was mad at me. I messed up my project and he wasn't happy about that either. At lunch I dropped cake my co-worker had brought on my white shirt and had to go home to change. And because of that my afternoon was longer than usual and I was close to falling asleep in the boring meetings at least a dozen times.

Why did my birthday have to turn out this awfully? What did I do to deserve this?

When I finally get to leave I run out to my car as fast as I can.

I just want to get home so I can cover myself in blankets and binge on anime the rest of this awful day.

I don't want to see anyone, I don't want to hear from anyone and I most certainly don't want anyone to ruin my day even more.

I drive by my favourite café and buy two donuts for myself to munch on while I enjoy the anime. What should I watch? Maybe Death Note again, I really love that one.

Soon enough I'm home. I park my car and search my keys. I open the door and almost drop my donuts on the floor.

"SURPRISE!" All my best friends are here.

And they threw me a surprise party! I get tears in my eyes and start smiling uncontrollably.

"I thought you had forgotten. All of you are so busy these days and I thought you didn't have time."

"We would never forget your birthday!" My roommate comes up to me and hugs me as someone else closes the door.

Everyone gives me their own hugs and hand me their presents. I decide to open them later.

The party is the best one I have been to in a long time and it continues long into the night. I love my friends, I love that they would do this to me and I am ever so grateful.

When it's time for them to leave I say goodbye to each and every one of them separately. When Pj comes to say goodbye as the last one I talk with him for a moment before I let him go.

My roommate is on the balcony of our apartment and I join him.

I take a deep breath and start talking.


This will be the second last chapter on this book, I'm sorry. :( But I really hope you liked it and please don't hate me!

What about a vote or comment? <3

~ Stella

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