Chapter 5

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Chapter 3 (This is part of the story.)

Troye's POV

I get picked for the first time tonight in Spin the Bottle. When Tyler saw it pointed at me hundreds of emotions splashed across his face too fast for me to recognise even one. Tyler is the one I'll kiss. Well that can't be too bad right? We're both gay and we are best friends. It's not like we have any other emotions towards one another.

He reads the note Dan wrote. We'll have to kiss for a minute. Oh well, it's just a game. It's the first thought that runs through my head. I don't even have time to think more about it because Tyler leans in. He closes the gap between our faces and kisses me.

When Zoë shouts that the minute is over I pull away and sit down on my place again. Tyler laughs his signature laugh. I smile at him and start to laugh too.

"What's so funny?" Phil asks confused.

"I have no clue." I say through my laugh. Caspar starts to laugh and soon Joe and Dan starts to giggle too. I notice that Hannah and Grace are trying to keep a straight face. Of no, I won't let them succeed! I begin to poke their sides and they start laughing uncontrollably.

Soon enough everyone is laughing and clutching their stomachs except for them who tickles someone else or pokes their sides.

"What's going on here? What did I miss?" Jim asks walking in through the door.

"Where have you been?" Tanya tries to get out between laughs but it turns into a complete mush that I don't think too many understood.

We try to compose us so that someone could explain what happened to Jim but always when someone manages to get a straight face someone pokes them in the ribbs and they start laughing hysterically again.

"Really what's going on? I was just a few minutes gone to go to the toilet and this is what I see when I come back?"

"Come on Jim. Laugh! It's fun!" Marcus tries to beg but laughs too much so it really doesn't work.

"You do look rather funny." Jim says and starts to laugh too.

When we have calmed down we start watching a movie. I walk to the kitchen to make popcorn. When I come back I look for a place to sit. It's cute to see all the couples sitting together. Alfie and Zoë, Jim and Tanya, Naomi and Marcus, Hannah and Grace. Joe, Caspar, Dan and Phil have all squeezed on the sofa and Tyler sits alone on the floor in front of it.

"Troye, come sit here!" Tyler grabbs my hand and practically forces me to sit down. I put the bowls of popcorn on the coffee table in the middle.


About half way through the movie I start to feel sleepy. I cuddle up in Tyler's side and start to drift off. Tyler puts a hand around me and lays his head on top of mine.

"Good night Troye." He whispers softly.

"Good night Tilly." I yawn and fall asleep.

Tyler's POV

OMG! What am I going to do? Troye fell asleep cuddled up in my side. The boy I've had a crush on for quite a long time. This is one of the best days of my life! I got to kiss my longtime crush AND he fell asleep practically in my lap! I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out.. I need to calm down! Calm down Tyler! You can't freak out when Troye is sleeping in your lap otherwise you'll wake him up! You can freak out as much as you want tomorrow when you're alone at home. You can "pretend" to be a crazy fangirl. But not now okay? I try to reason with myself.

I start to feel sleepy myself and before I know it I've fallen asleep with Troye still in my lap. I feel someone putting a blanket on us and a pillow under my head. Well, I guess I'm staying the night. It's the last thought before I drift off completely into the dreamworld.


"Aww! Look at who's all cute and cuddled up still in the morning!" I hear Caspar's voice when I wake up.

"Shh Caspar! You're going to wake them up!" Joe whispers.

"You'll have to shut me up." Caspar teases.

"Caspar I don't have time for your silly games now. I've got to make breakfast. Go wake up Troye and Tyler, will you please?"

"Fine." Caspar walks over to where I'm lying on the couch now with Troye still in my arms. "Tyler, Troye. Time to wake up. Breakfast is almost ready."

"Caspar, what was all that about?" I ask. Troye hasn't even moved.

"What was what all about?" Caspar looks confused.

"Back in the kitchen. When you teased Joe? Is there something going on between the two of you? Something we should know about?"

"You heard that?" He asks, concern evident in his voice.

"Yes I heard it. Can you answer my question now?"

"There's nothing going on between us that you should know about." He answers quickly.

Troye shuffles so I don't question Caspar about what he said. I have a feeling that he lied to me but I'll get to the bottom of that later.

"Morning Troye!" I say cheerfully.

"Don't shout in my ear." He groans.

"Come on! We have to get up because breakfast is ready. Let's go and see what tasty treets Joe has done for us today!" I drag him up from the sofa and towards the kitchen.

Hey you guys! Thanks for reading my story and I hope you've liked it and I hope you comment and vote. Also I'd like to know something about my readers. For example looks?


The author's note before this one is a part of the story. Sorry if there is any confusion.

It took me only one day to update! Yay!

A huge thanks to dreamthief_ for helping me get over my writer's block (atleast for now)! And sorry I didn't mention it in the last chapter already. You're tips were the best!

My phone was an idiot and deleted chapter five but luckily I had it saved so here it is back up again.

~ Stella

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