Chapter 7

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Chapter 5 (A part of the story. Did you guess? Then good job and well done! Ok I'm weird, I'll stop. xD)

Troye's POV

After breakfast we decide to head to town for the day. I quickly change and style my hair. While I'm waiting I disappear on the internet.

"Heyyy Troye!" Tyler flops down on the couch next to me and pulls out his phone. "Today I, Troye boy, Joe and Caspar are heading out to town. Troye say hi!" He turns to me with his phone in his hand and shows that he is taking a video for snapchat.

"Hi everyone!" Then the time limit is full and the video ends.

"I've gotta inform the fans of what we are doing today." Tyler smirks at me.

"That sounded so wrong! Especially combined with your expression." I start laughing. Joe walks into the living room and sits down on the couch.

"Where's Caspar?" Tyler asks.

"I don't know actually. Maybe he has fallen asleep again." Joe laughs and me and Tyler laugh too.

"I'll go check. I have something I need to ask him about anyway." Tyler stands up from the couch and walks to the stairs. "If he is sleeping I swear I will tickle him to death." He threatens with a smile before walking downstairs. I take out my phone again and scroll through twitter.

Tyler's POV

I walk downstairs and knock on Caspar's door.

"Hey! You in there? We want to get going." I ask. I hear something heavy fall inside the room and quickly open the door only to see Caspar lying on the floor next to his bed with his duvet wrapped around his legs. I can't help but start to laugh hysterically.

"Don't laugh! Can you please help me? I can't get up." Caspar says and looks miserable. It makes me laugh even more and I can't help but take my phone out and take a picture of it all. "Hey no photos!" Caspar screams.

"Well then I'll take a video. Look guys what Caspar has got himself into again. I went to wake him up and this is what I found." I say through fits of laughter to snapchat. I save the video before putting it in my MyStory for all the fans to see.

"I hate you!" Caspar grumbles and tries to get the duvet off of his feet but it makes it only worse.

"Let me help you or this will take the whole day." I bend down and start to untangle his feet. Then I remember there was something I wanted to talk to him about. "By the way, Caspar, are you bi?" Caspar looks shocked but then questioning.

"Yes." He says. "How did you know? Only my family and closest friends know."

"Who exactly are your closest friends?" I ask because I'm curious to know who else he has told than Joe because it is obvious that Joe is his best friend.

"Umm.. Joe and Troye but I'm thinking about coming out to my viewers soon. I just don't know when to do it. Why did you ask?" We finally get Caspar's legs free but I sit down on his bed and tap the spot next to me signaling for him to sit down.

"I think it's a great idea that you are coming out to your viewers soon. I can even help you with that. But I asked because it seems  like you have feelings for a certain someone. Am I right?" He sits down next to me and sighs as if he would be defeated.

"Well I do have a slight crush on a certain someone who I live with. You're not going to tell him right?" He looks concerned.

"Of course I'm not going to tell him. You do it when you're ready." I reassure him. "I know how hard it is when you have a crush on your best friend." I put my hand on my mouth realising I've said too much.

"Wait, do you have a crush on Troye?" Caspar looks like a fangirl, jumping up and down on the bed and squeeling like a guinea pig.

"I might have but I will literally kill you if you tell anyone about it, okay?" He squeels even more and rolls around on the bed. "You have to promise!" He sits down and looks serious.

"I promise if you promise." Caspar says.

"I promise. It's actually quite great to have been able to tell someone, though it was a mistake. But I wanted to ask you something, do you like Joe?" Caspar's smile drops and he looks scared.

"Am I that bad at covering it? He hasn't noticed has he? I don't want to ruin our friendship!"

"You're pretty good at covering it, seems like you've got quite a bit practice and I don't think he has noticed. But the way you act around him sometimes is different from the normal you and did you flirt with him earlier today? Before you had to wake up me and Troye, though I were awake already and heard everything." I chuckle.

"Do I really act that differently around him? And I only have the courage to flirt with him when no one else is watching so.."

"You don't act that much differently but I've noticed some changes in your behaviour. Just small ones, I don't think anyone else has noticed though."

"Guys! Did you both fall asleep or why is it taking so long?" Joe shouts from upstairs.

"We should get going." I stand up and walk upstairs and Caspar follows me.

"Let's go!" Troye shouts exitedly and we leave.

Omg! People actually read my story! Thank you super much you guys for 200+ reads! I'll send virtual hugs to all of you! <3

I'm sorry that I'm a bad updater but I hope that I'll get a routine to it soon enough. Maybe updating once a week? Does that sound good? Will I be able to make it? Probably not but I'll try my best haha! xD

Also, I've been helping a little bit (I gave her a few ideas) on this fanfiction anguess is writing and it's really good. She writes really well and it has been fun to be able to help and it actually has given me a few ideas for writing. Go check it out! :D

Thanks a lot for reading and please vote and comment if you want and/or enjoy the story. <3

~ Stella

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