Chapter 6

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Chapter 4 (Still part of the story. xD)

Joe's POV

I wake up in my own bed but have no memory of how I got here. What happened yesterday? I sit up and throw the covers off of me. I shiver slightly when the air hits my bare chest. I start to remember what happened. Me and Caspar had friends over and we ended up playing Spin the Bottle. Did something else happen than what I remember? Who helped me get to bed? Caspar? I guess so because the only ones who stayed over was Troye, who has been here already a few days, and Tyler who fell asleep with Troye on the couch before anyone even left.

I decide to ask about it of Caspar later and that now I need breakfast. I get up and quickly change before walking upstairs to the kitchen.

I start to make breakfast for the four of us. Suddenly someone sneaks their arms around my waist and makes me jump.

"Caspar! What did you do that for?"

"JoJo, don't be mad at me!" He turns me around and looks at me with puppy eyes. "I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to surprise you." He looks down at the floor.

"Aww! Caspy! Don't be sad. I'm not mad at you. You just surprised me. Wasn't that what you wanted?" I lift his chin with my finger so that he looks me in the eye. What a perfect moment it would be to lean in and kiss him. He looks so cute when he's sad. No, Joe, no! You can't think like that about your best friend! I shake my head in an attempt to forget my thoughts.

"JoJo, what's that smell?"

"Shit!" I turn around and concentrate on the breakfast I almost ruined because of getting distracted by Caspar. I need help.


I'm almost ready with the breakfast and look over to the couch where Tyler and Troye are sleeping all cuddled up. I know I would want to cuddle a special someone like that too. No Joe! Stop it!

"Aww! Look at who's all cute and cuddled up still in the morning!" Caspar shouts in my ear.

"Shh Caspar! You're going to wake them up!" I whisper to him.

"You'll have to shut me up." Caspar teases.

"Caspar I don't have time for your silly games now. I've got to make breakfast. Go wake up Troye and Tyler, will you please?"

"Fine." Caspar walks over to the couch. "Tyler, Troye. Time to wake up. Breakfast is almost ready."

I see Tyler shuffle a bit, carefully, as if he doesn't want to wake up Troye. He whispers something to Caspar and he blushes and whispers something back. This continues for a short while but soon enough Troye shuffles too and they stop. What were they talking about?

"Morning Troye!" Tyler shouts cheerfully right in Troye's ear.

"Don't shout in my ear." He groans.

"Come on! We have to get up because breakfast is ready. Let's go and see what tasty treets Joe has done for us today!" Tyler pulls Troye up from the sofa and they come to the kitchen here I already have put everything ready on the plates.

"Thanks Joe!" Tyler grins.

"No problem." I smile back.

We chat while we eat and when we are done me and Caspar put the dishes away.

"Caspar, I need to talk to you."

"About what?" He looks concerned.

"How did I get in my bed last night?" He looks relieved when he hears my question. As if there would be something about last night he doesn't want me to remember.

"Oh, about that. I helped you to bed because you practically fell asleep in my lap." He smiles at me.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks for clearing that up for me." I smile back at him. What did he not tell me? What could it possibly be that he doesn't want me to remember? Did I do something? Did I embarrass myself? Why can't I remember anything? Did I drink last night? Way too many questions at once! I hope I will get my answers soon enough.


We decided to go to town today and we actually had really fun. I got my mind off of all the questions and enjoyed myself.

But when we got back to my and Caspar's flat the questions came rolling back like a flood. I ignored them so that I could concentrate on my friends instead. That wasn't the greatest idea I have had.

Sorry sorry sorry!! I'm super late and this was a bit short too. :(( I haven't really had time to write because of relatives and a almost two week camp (probably the best camp I've ever been on though) I was on where we had nearly no reception. And then ad writer's block.

I really appreciate you if you still read my story and please vote and commet if you like.

Also, if you have ideas what could happen next you can leave them in the comments or send me a private message.

~ Stella

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