Chapter 10

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Caspar's POV

I feel bad for surprising Joe like this. He started crying immediately and hasn't said a word yet.

What if he denies? Was this too much of a shock? Did I do something wrong? Is he mad at me? What do I do next?

"Yes." A quiet whisper pulls me out of my thoughts and throws my worries away.

"What?" I look up to see Joe nodding his head furiously with tears streaming down his face. His hands are still covering his mouth and his entire body is shaking. He removes his hands to show the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Yes!" He screams and hops onto my lap. He peppers my face with kisses and whispers yes in between every one of them.

When he finally calms down I put him back on the ground.

I then proceed to kneel in front of him and he starts to cry again.

I pull out the ring and start talking.

"Joseph Sugg. You are the light in my life, the most important person to me and I love you more than words can convey. You know I'm not the best to hold a speech about how much I love you but I think you do know anyway. So all I will ask is, Joe, my best friend, will you make me happier than anyone has ever been and marry me?" He nods his head furiously through the tears and I slip the ring on his finger.

I am now engaged to the loveliest person in the world and nothing can ruin my day. I stand up and bend down to kiss him but then I see his terrified expression.

"Babe, what is it?" My voice is covered in concern.

He looks up at me and speaks.

"The ring is awful." He says and I start to panic. He then starts laughing. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding! It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. After your eyes of course." He winks at me and kisses me.

That night we cuddle until we fall asleep, too happy to worry about anything.


Hey you guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I had writer's block (the worst kind) and forgot what I had planned for this story... :C Then there came two other projects I have used like all of my time on even though I really shouldn't.

I'm hoping I could get back to this story soon enough and finally get it to an end. The chapters will be quite short because I simply don't have the time or inspiration to make longer chapters, I'm really sorry. :( I have now planned a few things for it but we'll see how I manage with all these projects haha! xD

Thank you a million times to the ones who put up with my terrible updating and still reads this fic. I love you all so much and thank you thank you thank you! <3

Vote and comment maybe? ^-^

~ Stella

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