Chapter 13

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The next morning I wake up in my roommates and best friends arms. He is a bit older than me and the slightest bit shorter. He is the most gorgeous person I've ever met.

But he doesn't even know that I'm gay.

I've decided that today is the day I tell him, no matter how it goes, and I will feel proud for actually doing it.

I get up and start making us breakfast.

When he comes to the kitchen with sleep in his eyes and ruffled hair I can't help but to think how in love I am with this creature. But didn't he have some relationship over the internet? I really hope not. And I hope he won't hate me for what I will need to tell him.

We sit down at the table and start making ourselves breakfast. I pour coffee into our mugs as he makes us both toast.

It's these small things that make me feel like he is the one for me. He makes me feel comfortable, he makes me laugh, I know I can let myself be vulnerable when I am with him. He helps when I have been having a really bad day and he is the kindest person I know. He is perfect because he has his imperfections and he lets me see them. I adore him and he is my inspiration. He is the reason why I am still alive, he saved me from my hardest times.

Now my only concern is how he will take it.

"Umm... I have something to tell you." I start fidgeting with my fingers as I always do when I am nervous.

He looks up and sees my nervous expression and his brows knit together.

"What is it? You know that you can tell me anything, right?" He takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. He smiles to me and I feel the slightest bit relieved.

"Well... Umm... I'm..." My voice cracks. I can do this, it really isn't that hard. I breathe out. "I'm gay."

He laughs and I feel terrified for a moment. But when I look up his face is shining of happiness.

"Thank goodness I'm relieved! I thought you were going to tell me that you have cancer or something!" He laughs more.

"Wait what?" I feel confused.

"Did you think I'd stop being your friend? Why would I when actually..." He coughs nervously. "I'm gay too." HE starts laughing again and I can't help but join in.


I'm sorry these last chapters are so short. :C

Vote and comment if the weather is nice in your opinion? <3

~ Stella

The One Behind It AllOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz